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"Chin up! You need to be confident in the face of your opponent. Instill some doubt into them, even if you know that you are outmatched. You must keep the facade. One mistake can be the difference between life and death on both parties," Calamity instructed, loud enough for everyone in the clearing to hear.

The young wolf she initially addressed nodded firmly before engaging his temporary enemy.

Calamity strolled away from the pair and around the grassy landscape, observing every little movement and giving her input.

Leopold removed his eyes from his elegant female, landing them on Josiah, a less appreciated sight.

"You said that you got suddenly, uncharacteristically tired last night right?" Josiah asked.

"Yeah," Leopold confirmed solemnly.

Josiah took a sip of his water. "Did you do anything strenuous before you went to bed?" His light insinuation didn't go unnoticed by Leo.

"No, all I did was listen to Calamity rant about her brother's sudden appearance. Then she had some work to do and told me to go to bed. I decided to wait for her. I kissed her, walked to the bed, and when I tried to wait for her I felt really groggy and couldn't stay awake," Leopold explained.

Suspicion clouded Josiah's eyes. "She kissed you?"

Leopold narrowed his eyes, not liking his insinuating tone. "Yes, she is my mate. We do that regularly."

Josiah sighed, noticing the hostile tone of Leopold's voice. "Are you certain that she wasn't draining your energy? Kissing is how she does it, and you said you got tired right after that."

Leo was appalled. "Calamity wouldn't do something like that. She just-" reluctant realization sunk into him. "She wouldn't--Calamity!"

Calamity's head whipped in his direction. She apologized to the person she was instructing before approaching her mate. "What is it, Leo? I'm working. We have to make sure the troops are prepared for war soon."

Leo contemplated broaching the topic. What if he was wrong? Would he upset her? No, he needed to ask and clear things up. "Did you take my energy last night?"

Calamity's eyes went wide. She opened and closed her mouth. Her surprise gave Leo his answer.

With wide eyes Leo leaned forward and gripped her shoulders, giving her a light shake. "Calamity, why? Why would you do something like that? If someone would have broken into the room and tried to harm you, I wouldn't have been able to protect you!"

Calamity opened her mouth to respond. "I-" she sighed, "I knew I was going to be working late on the papers, and I didn't want you to worry about me not getting enough sleep. I'm sorry Leo. I broke a boundary by using my powers on you like that without your consent. I'm sorry." She gazed pleadingly into his eyes.

Leo examined her face for a few seconds longer before sighing. "I'm not mad, Calamity. Just don't do that again. Anything could've happened to you, and I wouldn't have been able to stop it. I love you too much to stay mad at you."

Calamity looked at Leo quizzically with a small smile. "No offense, but I don't exactly need your protection. I can handle myself just fine. If anything I would wind up protecting you."

Leopold rolled his eyes with an exasperated expression. "Whatever, I thought you needed to train the troops."

Calamity smirked before giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek and walking to a pair of humans dishing out solid blows left and right. She gave them words of encouragement, while still giving them things to improve upon.

As much as Leo hated it, the humans fought better than the wolves. While the wolves were physically superior, the humans were smarter and more cunning. Not to mention, they had Calamity as their teacher for years.

Calamity finally called an end to practice, and they walked back into the castle together.


"Thanks for paying my fines, sis," Phoenix thanked Calamity.

She feigned ignorance, "I don't know what you're talking about." She organized some papers on her desk. "But if your debt is paid, then you can leave now." She looked him straight in the eye, straightening her posture. "You aren't welcome here."

"Calamity, there isn't any need to be dramatic. I'm your brother! I'm here to help you against father dearest," Phoenix informed. When he saw that he caught her interest he continued, "My blood is still that of demon royalty, as is yours. I am powerful and would be a great asset. Our side would be much stronger with me fighting for you."

Calamity noticed that he said "our." She didn't quite know how to feel about it yet. "How do I know that I can trust you? How do I know that you won't abandon the fight part way through when we need you? You've done nothing but prove your cowardice."

Phoenix winced at that. "Okay, rude." He huffed in exasperation. "Anyway, I'm your brother. I believe in this cause. It's time that our father got knocked off his throne of darkness." He walked over to Calamity and stared into her eyes. "I will not abandon you again."

Calamity gave him a bored expression, giving away nothing real, nothing tangible. "Then you can talk with Reinard about becoming a recruit. We can go from there. I will have to train you personally if Reinard considers you fit to join our ranks. You may leave now." She pointed to the door while looking back to her work on the desk.

Phoenix stood for a few seconds, contemplating his next words. "I can smell him all over this room," he finally said. "He sleeps in here doesn't he?"

Calamity sighed. "I don't see why that concerns you, Phoenix."

"Of course it concerns me! I'm your brother!" Phoenix exclaimed.

Calamity glared at him. "You have not earned back the right to be my brother again yet. As of right now, you are simply a tool that I will utilize in war as I see fit. Nothing more, nothing less."

His lips pull back into a thin, forced smile. "Calamity, come on. You can't say that I'm not your brother. We are bound by blood."

"We are bound by evil blood that I have defied time and time again. My blood means nothing to me. As for King Leopold, he is my mate. We hug. We kiss. We sleep in the same bed. We have done nothing more than that, so you can stop looking at me like some harlot," Calamity spat.

Phoenix's eyes went wide. "You are a princess!"

"No!" She bellowed. "I have not been a princess for a very, very long time. Leave before I lose my temper."

The veins in her hands were starting to morph into the inky black that exposed her negative emotions for all to see. She had no doubt that her eyes were black as well.

Phoenix fisted his hands before marching out of the room and slamming the door shut.

Calamity decided to do the only thing she could do: go to the gym and train away her frustration.

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