Chapter 13: 'El Beso' part 2

Start from the beginning


He was wearing the same clothes as before and he had his hand on his stomach, squinting his eyes.

He looked around before he spotted me, our eyes met. I looked down at the floor and paid the man for my drink.

I took a sip as Patrick approached me.

He couldn't even get a word in before a man walked over and stood on the other side of me.

His hand immediately went to my waist as he started slurring his words.

"Damn girl. You're fit. Come home with me?"

The man looked to be around 40. I tried to push his hand off my waist but he just moved it up to my neck as he pulled my head towards him, viscously.

"N-no thank you."

I tried to be confident but the smell of alcohol radiated off him and his grip on my neck was strong and painful.

"That's not up to you to decide, sweetheart. Come on, you are coming with me."

He yanked my wrist and pulled me towards him. 

I heard a low cough behind me.

The man groaned and looked at the person who coughed. Patrick.

"What do you want?"

Patrick smirked.

"I want you to let go of her."

"Tough shit. I got her first, pal."

Patrick's jaw clenched, as did his fists.

"Let go."

"Fuck off."

Patrick laughed.

"Is that your final answer?"

The man looked at him skeptically, very confused.

"What do you think?"

Patrick looked at the floor, before lifting his head up, his bright blue eyes shining in the lights of the club.

"Your funeral, mate."

Patrick took a big step forward and grabbed the man's t-shirt, yanking him away from me.

He lifted him up by his neck and threw him into the wall.

His grabbed his shirt again and punched him, hard in the face.

The man was in a state of shock but threw a punch back.

Patrick caught his fist and twisted his arm round. The man yelped and Patrick let go, the man dropping to the floor. He kicked him in the stomach before the bartender pulled him backwards.

Less people than you think were paying attention and witnessing what was happening. I guess everyone was too drunk to care.

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