Chapter 48 - Cuddling

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48 – Cuddling


Draco watched as Hagrid tried in vain to change a mouse into a fork. Transfiguration seemed to be his hardest subject and even Draco seemed to have a hard time using his wandless magic on it. His wand was more than up to the task, transforming any object he targeted into whatever he wanted. He had never had such an easier time casting Transfiguration spells. But he recalled what Professor McGonagall had said about Transfiguration being the most difficult for wandless magic. Building the inside of what he wanted as well as the outside. It was a lesson for both him and Hagrid.

"It's nearly ten... per'aps we augh' ter call it a nigh'," Hagrid said, collapsing in the chair at the table next to him.

"You still haven't gotten it," Draco stated.

"I'll practice it," he grumbled.

"You did great at Charms and at identifying potion ingredients and plants. You are on schedule. This isn't that big of a holdup," Draco said, encouragingly.

He had been thrilled that Hagrid wasn't completely lost when it came to understandingly Herbology and the plant's effects. He had plenty of home remedies and fifty years of experience to fall back on. Hagrid just needed to understand growing requirements and potion effects.

"Bollocks... I'm rubbish," he grimaced.

"Professor Hagrid... I didn't say this would be easy. But you can't give up," Draco said, his face stern.

"I'm not givin' up!"

"Sounds like it," Draco said and Hagrid shrugged. " But we still got two more weeks on these books. Your roll of parchment on the history of International Statute of Secrecy wasn't too bad. They always ask about it in the OWLs. They have to make sure you know your limits. How about this week write an essay about werewolf treatises?"

"If tha's wha' yeh think is good," Hagrid said, writing down his homework.

"And an essay on the first five potions in your book and the differences the ingredients cause."

"Anythin' else?" Hagrid asked, ready for more.

Draco wanted to know if he could handle more and assigned an essay on the Tap-Dancing Charm and how to extract the Essence of Dittany from its plant. Hagrid nodded.

"Don't feel over-whelmed Hagrid. You're going to get this."

"Okay... I believe yeh, Draco," Hagrid said.


"I 'eard yer friend gat hur'," Hagrid said, and Draco looked up at him. "I'm sorry."

"Thanks. He's alright. Just needs some healing."

"Anythin' I can do?"

"No... I don't think so. Just make sure nothing happens to Theo in your class. That's why Harry and Daphne were there today."

"Oh... yah... I though' tha' was weird," Hagrid muttered. "I 'eard 'Arry gat detention, too?"

"Yeah, he punched Smith in the face. Luckily, it was with the headmistress and not Dawlish. He should be getting out... about now," Draco realized. Harry would probably come looking for him and Luna was waiting for him. He smiled when he thought about her. "Hagrid... can I tell one person about this? I need some help, because I can't show you Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I don' wan' 'Arry ter know," Hagrid said, embarrassed.

"Not Harry... Luna... and she kinda figured it out... somehow. She's my alibi when spending my time with you."

Draco Malfoy, BrokenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum