Chapter 47 - Trapped, Again

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47 – Trapped, Again

Published: 4/24/19.... I mean 5/1/2019

***TRIGGER WARNING*** mentions of sexual abuse/assault

Neville sat vigilant next to Blaise's bed. He couldn't sleep. Blaise was immobilized. If he woke up, he'd be unable to move and speak. The pain potions that Madam Pomfrey had given him, might wear off, too. Neville had to stay awake, no matter what. Blaise couldn't wake up alone and trapped. Neville couldn't do that to him. He put his hand on the bed next to Blaise's, but did not touch him. He didn't want to wake him.

"Please be okay," Neville prayed, softer than a whisper.

"He'll be alright," a voice came from behind him.

Neville jumped out of his seat and nearly into Blaise's bed. He turned to see a beautiful woman with long black hair and light brown skin. She was lighter than Blaise, but Neville could tell immediately that she was Moira Zabini, eight-time widow. He had no idea how to handle her. His hands shook and he slowly backed further away from Blaise. He gave her all the room she could want. He learned to tell who was dangerous... and she was.

"I'm sorry... I can go," he said, quietly. He had no desire to leave Blaise's side, but his mother had the right to be there.

"You must be Neville," she said, and chills went down his spine. Blaise's strength and abilities came from her.

"I-I am. I'll g-go" he stuttered out. He couldn't help but feel like a scared eleven-year-old, again.

"You can stay," she said and walked up to the other side of Blaise's bed.

Mrs. Zabini ran her finger along his face and murmured a few spells. Blaise seemed to relax, even with the Immobulus Charm on. Neville breathed easier. Her dark eyes then looked up at him and he tensed back up. She was capable of just about anything.

"You are worried," she stated. "...about me."

"Blaise thinks very highly of you. He said that you helped him figure things out," he said, quietly glancing at Blaise for signs that he was awake.

"I never seen him that... hurt... and you were at the source of it," she said, staring at him.

Neville flinched and said, "I'm sorry... I d-didn't m-mean... I can go. I d-don't want him to be in p-pain."

"Love always brings pain. You can't have one without the other. The thing is... I know he's in love with you. That little break of his was enough to prove that to me. But are you in love with him? That's what I am concerned about," she said, coming around the bed and getting closer to him.

She had a few inches on him and he cowered slightly. "I do love him," he declared.

"Really?" she said, not exactly doubting him. "You care about him... that's obvious. But are you willing to take the pain, too?"

Neville was confused about what she meant, but knew that there was only one answer to her question. "I am. I'll take anything. He's worth it."

She tilted her head. "I see." She looked at her son and back at Neville. "Do you know what he's been through? You know what they did to him?"

Neville considered at her words. Blaise had only hinted at his dark past: the quick flings and rough sex. Things he said he wasn't ready for. He was letting others hurt him when he was just a third year. "Not exactly... he said that they... knew he was open... but he didn't say much about what they did to him. I know they hurt him, but he hasn't been able to talk about it."

Mrs. Zabini stared at him until he lowered his head. "You know none of it, then?"

"Just... rumors... but who he was with. It was mostly Slytherins... and they bragged about a lot of things. It's hard to know what is true and what isn't," Neville said.

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