Chapter 73 - Help

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Chapter 73 – Help

Published: June 1st, 2020

Happy belated bday to me! You'll never know what day it is! Wa ha ha ha!

Hollow, that's what Harry felt like. Broken. The blood had thankfully stopped pouring out of his nose as Ron half-carried him to the medical ward. Though Ron had admitted that he had thought about giving up, Harry knew he was the unstable one. He was shaking, trying to control his rapidly changing emotions that would randomly surge. Fuck, he stopped walking as another wave of raw emotions hit him and he had to hunch over. A chandelier nearby shattered.

"Harry... easy! Come on, mate. Look at me," Ron said, trying to grab his attention.

He was coming undone. "I can't," he said, letting out a rasping breath. He brought his spasming arms to his chest. He couldn't take this anymore. He had no fucking control over anything, now.

"Bloody hell. Maybe we should have waited to apologize to Smith," Ron muttered and Harry agreed.

He had not wanted to do it, but the looks of anger and disappointment were a bit much coming from Blaise and Draco. Ron even said that the prat deserved it and if Ron was the person pushing him to apologize to anyone, he really needed to do it. But he didn't realize how right Ron was until after Fawley tore him a new asshole. Smith had never seemed like a victim before that. He had been always a stuck up prick. He thought Zach was giving them the silent treatment and he just lashed out. He had just wanted to ask what his problem was, but his hand found Smith's neck and he saw red. It was so hard to let go of him, too.

But it wasn't just Smith. He hurt Ron, too. Who else did he hurt? What if he hurt Draco? Harry thought, horrified, and nearly stopped breathing. Ron called out to him, but his breaths were rough, quick and short. He backed into the hallway wall and slid down, unable to stand, struggling for air. His hands almost flailed about until Ron crotched down and took his hands. Harry tried to pull free and Ron held on, trying to help him.

"Calm down, Harry! I'm right here!" Ron was saying, but Harry couldn't hear him.

Ron was freaking out a little, having never seen him break down like this. Harry managed to dig in and kick the emotions down, finally getting control. His breathing slowly evened out and he somehow kept the tears down. He just needed to get back to Draco. He slowly got up and went to turn to go back to their tower, but Ron stopped him.

"No, we have to go see Madam Pomfrey. Your nose might be broken and I need to get checked out, too," Ron said, pushing him toward the medical ward.

"You're hurt?" Harry asked, more guilt flooding through him.

"I'm fine. It's nothing I can't handle. You're the one I'm worried about. So... what was that?" Ron asked.


"Yeah," Ron said, looking down, uncertainly, if not a little dejected.

Harry's eyes watched him, carefully. He was hurting and not physically either. He almost seemed... hopeless. If there was one thing that made him snap out of things quickly, it was when his friends needed his help. Harry grabbed Ron and pulled him into a hug. Ron didn't expect it, but didn't push him away. He gripped him tightly, and Harry started taking slow, shaky breaths.

"I'm so sorry, Ron. I should have been there for you," Harry whispered, through watery eyes.

Ron sniffled a little. "Me, too. I missed you, Harry. You're my brother, too, ya know? And I don't want to lose you."

"You won't," Harry said and pulled back to stare at Ron. "I... I just need to get back to Draco. He makes me feel better. I'm not so... lost."

"I understand, but do you want me to send him a Patronus? I can have him meet us at the infirmary?" Ron asked, putting his hand on his shoulder. He wanted him to go get his potions.

Draco Malfoy, BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora