Chapter 38 - Fear

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Chapter 38 - Fear

Published: 1/28/2019

TRIGGER WARNING: for panic attack and explicit content

Draco's wand was shaking as he tried to cast some Concealment Charms. He really couldn't focus. His anxiety was extremely high, even though Blaise and Harry were in the room with him. He had slept okay, too. The darkness didn't reach out for like it had the last time he was attacked. The Calming Draught had helped. He needed another, but he didn't dare do it in front of Blaise.

His face was still hot and he didn't look at Harry, again. After the "pancake incident", Draco resolved to limit his eye contact with Harry when others were around. Neither of them seemed to consider their surroundings when they watched each other. He kept his head away from Harry's general location and took a deep breath before trying the spell. He still failed to cast a simple Muggle Repelling Charm. His wand wouldn't bend to his will. He growled in frustration and Blaise put his hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing," Draco said, avoiding his eyes. He might not have plunged into the black pit in his mind, but his confidence was shattered. He hadn't been able to get his nervousness and fear back under control.

Blaise turned him toward him. "Draco?"

Blaise murmured some privacy spells and looked ar him for an answer. Draco lowered his shoulders and whispered, "It's j-just my w-wand."

Blaise's hands were shaking when he took his hand. "Why are you stuttering, Dray?"

"I'm s-sorry," Draco said, trembling more. The Dark Lord hated when he showed weakness.

"Oh no, I'm not mad. You don't need to apologize," Blaise said, quietly. "Damnit. You don't need to be scared here, Dray. Potter and I will protect you."

Draco didn't answer him. He couldn't help it, now. He didn't think he could stop it. He felt so afraid and vulnerable. Raw. He lowered his head more.

Blaise wrapped his arms around him, not concerned by the fact that they were in the middle of class. He tried to say some comforting words, but stopped abruptly when Dean opened his mouth, again. He didn't get more than few words out before he was shut up by someone. Draco didn't see who did it. Dean was whimpering though and Professor Flitwick took ten points away from Slytherin and twenty from Gryffindor.

"Mr. Zabini, why don't you take Mr. Malfoy out to the hall? I think you've got the Concealment Charms down," the short Charms professor said.

"Thank you," Blaise said, packing up both their things.

"Enjoy making out with the Death Eater!" one of the girls said, but abruptly shrieked when Daphne hexed her with a Nail-Growing Curse.

"Whoops, I mixed up the spells. Sorry Fay! I think your shoes might be done for!" Daphne hissed.

"You bitch!" another girl shouted as more spells went flying.

The last thing Draco heard as Blaise took him out of the classroom, was the professor taking away more points and Parvati screaming.

"Better?" Blaise asked, after the door was shut.

"Y-Yeah..." he said.

Blaise hugged him, again. "Salazar's serpents... I just want you to be okay."

Draco held him tightly and let some tears fall. Blaise didn't pry any words out of him, just held him while they waited for class to end.

"Dray... we all have detention tonight, even Potter. I'll take you to lunch and I asked Neville to take you back to the dorm, just like last time. I need to know... if you will be okay? You can go with him... but he has to teach on Fridays. I don't want to leave you alone."

Draco Malfoy, BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora