Chapter 10 - Buried Deep

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***TRIGGER WARNING*** - for a sexual assault attack and offensive terminology***

Potter showed Draco up to his room. The stairs were hard on him, but he made it. Hermione had left, set to go talk with his mother about the change. She promised him that she would convince her not to testify, unless it was absolutely necessary.

"This is you. The sheets and blankets are fresh. Bathroom's down the hall, if you want to shower. There's some old clothes in the dresser, like shirts or shorts. Help yourself," Potter said, invitingly.

Draco eyed the room, for traps. He hadn't said anything since the revelation in the kitchen. Potter stared at him, waiting. Draco watched his every facial twitch for any sign of attack. Potter just waited at the door, looking at him. He had no intention of moving. Draco lowered his eyes. Potter had every card against him. He was completely at his mercy. He was going to kill Blaise when, or if, he saw him.

"You don't care?" he said, burning with fresh humiliation.

Potter seemed confused. "I-what? Oh... you mean... about that... other thing. No, I don't care. Why would I care?"

Draco wouldn't look at him when he spoke. "It matters to some people," he muttered.

"And you think it would matter to me?"

"Not really, but there are other people who aren't as..." he trailed off.



"Well, I'm not one of them. I don't even care that you are marked. Why would I care about that? It doesn't matter to me what you... gay or whatever. Blaise said you haven't figured it out."

"Blaise needs to shut his fucking mouth."

"He was confused why I was helping you. I think he got the impression that we were 'seeing' each other. Wouldn't that be ironic?"

Draco stared at him stunned speechless.

"I'm just joking, Malfoy," Potter said, smiling at his discomfort.

"Well don't. Don't even talk about it... any of it. I don't want..." he growled.

But Potter cut in, "...anyone to know. Got that."

Draco growled in frustration.

"It won't be as bad as you think," Potter added.

Draco bristled. "That's what you think. What do you know?"

"That some people are assholes and some aren't," he replied.

He snorted. Potter wasn't leaving. They stood in the doorway and fall into an awkward silence. After a few minutes, Potter motioned for him to enter. Draco took a few awkward steps into the small room with two beds.

"Whose room is this?" he muttered.

"It was mine and Ron's a few years ago. I don't know whose it was originally. I sleep in Sirius's room, now."

"Sirius... Black you mean. That's why this place seems familiar. My mom has photos of this place. It was her aunt's house."

"Yes... I guess. Sirius left everything to me."

Draco nodded slightly surprised that the Black family legacy was left to a half-blood and the Savior. The old ways were dying. A lot of pureblood families were destroyed in the war, either killed in battle or by the court. Draco found that he was happy by that fact. He could barely stomach when his parents were talking about arranging a marriage for him before Voldemort came back.

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