Chapter 46 - Support

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Chapter 46 - Support

Published: 4/15/2019 (plus 8 minutes)

Happy tax day!

"I am not going to dinner without Blaise and Theo," Draco insisted, as he again pinned Harry to the wall in his room.

"Neville and Luna can sit with us," Harry said, kissing him.

"No. Weasley will be there, right? I'm not going to risk him coming over and you blowing up on him in front of everyone. It's not worth it. Blaise has plenty of food in his trunk."

"I don't care about Ron," Harry snorted.

"I do. If he finds out... everyone finds out... the whole world finds out. So, let's not," Draco said, pressing his lips against Harry's throat.

"I still don't care. I want everyone to know that you are mine," Harry said, with a moan as Draco found the spot, but lifted his head up to stare into Harry's eyes.

"I am yours, Harry, but I want to wait until we are out of school. There are hundreds of students who can make our lives hell. Please... wait until we are free from this," he pleaded.

"I won't do anything without your permission Draco, I promise," Harry said, moving Draco's long hair from his eyes.

"Okay... thanks," Draco said, with a shy smile. "Everything is still so dangerous, now. I don't want it to be worse if we can avoid it."

"I understand. I just want you to know... that I don't care if the whole world knows... in fact, I want to shout it to them that I love you," Harry breathed and kissed him, again.

Draco smiled but could only mumble his response back, as Harry open-mouthed kissed him. He loved battling with Harry when they snogged. Harry usually lost or let him win, but Draco was fine with either. His hands locked with Harry's, pushed him into the wall. Harry didn't fight back. Draco loved that Harry was so... patient... comforting, supportive and even when he had permission, he never was aggressive, never hurt him. He was so careful, that Draco nearly cried just thinking about last night. Harry never came close to hurting him or sending him into a flashback. He always asked about every move and reinforced Draco's ability to control the situation.

Harry let his lips go, and immediately, went for his neck. Draco tilted it up, urging him to continue. He let moan as Harry's vicious lips clamped down in his neck. "I love you, too, Harry... fuck..." he groaned out, and he could feel Harry chuckling against his throat.

Harry stopped and Draco stared into his eyes. The green was nearly gone. He was shaking under Draco's hold or maybe it was actually Draco. His own breathing was chopped, erratic.

Harry whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Yes... do you want to... do it, again? Like... like last night?" Draco asked. He was definitely shaking, now. Control and restraint had left him. He had no idea what was holding Harry back, as his own senses were in overload.

Harry bit his lip. "Draco...."

Draco heard his tone and lowering his eyes, hurt. "Y-You don't want to?"

"No! I do... it's just... are you sure this isn't too fast? I don't want you to think that we have to do something... every time," Harry said, urgently.

Draco lifted his head up to look into his eyes, again. He saw only worry, concern. Harry was amazing. He always took care of him.

"I know... but... I want to, Harry. I really do. It feels so good, being close to you. I can't believe you picked me of all people. You could have anyone and you choose me."

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