Chapter 16 - Getting Closer

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16 - Getting Closer

"That was excellent Harry, thank you," Narcissa said, wiping her mouth with her napkin. "The apartment looks amazing, too."

"Don't thank me. Malfoy made dinner and cleaned," Harry said.

Narcissa turned to her son, who lowered his eyes and went red. "He was watching the whole time to make sure I didn't poison you."

"Thank you for dinner, sweetie. I'm so proud of you," she breathed, cupping his face.

Malfoy's grin was memorizing. His eyes lit up with their old fire, as he looked up at his mom as though a great burden had been lifted. If this moment was all Harry had gotten through these last months of shite, he would have been content. Watching Malfoy's one small interaction with his mother was worth it. Harry felt slightly jealousy even, but he dismissed it. He was happy for Malfoy. He had his mother and she loved him.

But a pang of agony struck him as acute and painful as a Cruciatus Curse. Memories flashed though his mind as he remembered the turning of the Resurrection Stone. The echo of his mother's spirit telling him she loved him. It had been a feeling that he had never felt before, even though he knew he was going to die. He had longed for a moment like that his whole life. Unconditional love. Mrs. Weasley and even Professor McGonagall were surrogates, good ones, but they weren't his mother.

"Harry, are you okay?" Narcissa called to him. She looked concerned.

He snapped out of his memories and pasted a smile on his face. "Of course. I was thinking about how long it's going to take to get this baking pan clean," he said, lifting the now empty casserole dish off the table and took it to the sink.

"Oh, leave it, Potter. I'll get it," Malfoy whined, like he wanted to clean it.

"I'll put it soaking," Harry said, turning on the faucet and letting the water fall to the bowl. He took the minute to beat down his emotions. Just hold off for a few more minutes, he told himself. He managed to calm the storm, but the hurricane was coming. He put on his I'm-completely-okay mask, turned off the water and went back to the table.

"Thank you for your efforts today, Harry."

"Oh, it was nothing. Malfoy was surprisingly cooperative," he said, with a faint smile.


"But... not to eat and run, but I must be going."

"Where?" Malfoy asked.

"Draco, hush," Narcissa scolded. "Harry has other responsibilities."

Malfoy looked at him, knowingly. No, Harry doesn't, but Malfoy doesn't push it.

"Malfoy seems to think that I only come here to babysit him, so I was going to drop by tomorrow," Harry said, earning a glare from the Slytherin. "Would that be alright?"

"Of course, Harry," she said, immediately, while Malfoy muttered, "No, I don't" under his breath.

Harry nodded appreciatively, but knows he's asking for pain. He realizes now why he bolts every time Narcissa and Malfoy are together. It reminds him of everything he doesn't have. Harry know he's losing the battle in his mind and has to get out of the flat fast. He stands up, goodbye ready on his lips, but Narcissa approached him. He can't leave without making them worry.

"Harry..." she called to him, her bright blue eyes stared right through him. He frozen unable to move, the only thing he felt was the rapidly increasing flow of blood as his heart thumped louder. "Are you sure you are okay? You seem...."

Draco Malfoy, BrokenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz