Chapter 28 - Schedules

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28 -Schedules

Published: 11/14/18

Draco woke up surprisingly well-rested. Only his fave five in his dreams... not the really bad stuff. He saw Blaise had moved his bed right next to his and was still sleeping. Theo had fallen asleep nearly across Draco's legs, his blanket from his bed was thrown over him, suggesting Blaise outlasted both of them. Draco didn't want to wake either of them up by moving. They had sacrificed their sleep just to reassure him. He got another small nap in, until Theo's alarm went off by his night table. 

"Waz goin' on?" Theo grumbled, siting up, getting his bearings. "I fell asleep here, then?"

"Looks like it," Draco said, smiling. The sun was only just rising, slowly lighting up the room.

"Why... why did we come back to this early morning crap?" Blaise grumbled and rolled out of bed. He beat Theo to the loo, though.

"Jerk," Theo grunted, nearly to the restroom. He turned back to Draco. "You okay?"

"Yeah... thanks."

"Sorry for falling asleep on your bed."

"I don't care. It was nice after being alone in... Azkaban."

Theo came over to check on him, siting on his bed. Draco swung his legs over the edge. "You're not alone anymore."

"Thanks, Theo," he said, quietly. "What about you? Was this summer okay... with Blaise?"

"Yeah... it wasn't bad. I just made sure to stay away from his mom and tested everything I ate."

"You really think she'd kill off one of her son's closest friends?" Draco scoffed.

"She is a recent widow... she might have tried to marry me," Theo said, smirking. "That and there's no one else in my family. I have my father's vault. It's not a lot, but I wouldn't put it past her."

"I'm sorry... Theo... about your dad. He was a good man."

"He tried to be," Theo said, wiping his eyes.

"All yours," Blaise said, coming out. He had mastered the art of quick showers.

"You want next, Draco?" Theo said, quietly.

"No, go head Theo. I got to get my stuff out of my trunk, anyway."


Blaise spelled his bed back to its original spot and flicked through his books and quills, shoving what he needed into his bag. Draco did the same, until he heard the tapping on the window. It was a Hogwarts owl. He thought it might have been Harry's, but when he untied it and opened the letter, his chest fell.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

Please come to my office before breakfast to discuss your classes. The password is Gingerbread.

Professor M. McGonagall


"Oh, that's not good. Breakfast is starting soon. We'd better go. I'll tell Theo to meet us in the Great Hall with Daphne," Blaise said.

"You don't have to go," Draco started.

"You are not running the around the school without one of us with you... Draco. Don't even protest it. You would barely travel without Goon 1 and 2 when you were younger. You want me to spell you clean?"


Blaise cast the cleaning spell and Draco put a clean robe on and grabbed his bag. Blaise told Theo and lifted the wards on the door. He didn't take any chances and re-cast them. Only Ernie, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones were in the common room as they came down. Ernie gave a nod, but the two Hufflepuff girls just frowned and looked away. Draco didn't say anything in response.

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