Chapter 43 - Survive

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Chapter 43 - Survive

Published: 3/15/19

***TRIGGER WARNING*** Implied sexual assault and offensive terminology

Morning came. Draco woke up, his back aching from the hard floor, but Blaise was still gripping him even while he slept. Draco didn't let go, understanding his presence was critical to his survival. His best friend continued to cry through the night, sleep brought no respite. What could have possibly happened in McGonagall's office that derailed all of Blaise's mental shields? He had never seen Blaise so defenseless before. He didn't dare ask, not until the silence was lifted.

When Blaise's eyes finally snapped open, Draco breathed easier. He kept his hold on hifm for several minutes until Blaise wiped his eyes and sat up. Draco took his hand and waited until he spoke. Blaise choked back his tears and eyed him warily. He was embarrassed, clearly. Blaise had pride after all. He'd never let anyone see him so weak.

"Are you going to ask?" he whispered.

"Are you going to tell me?"


Draco nodded. "I'm here, if you want to talk."

"Thanks," he said and looked at the door. "Theo, okay?"

"I don't know," Draco said, grimacing. Blaise had been his priority, but he should have checked on him before he shut himself in the shower with Blaise.

Blaise got up, slowly stretching too, and walked to the door. He opened it and Draco followed. Theo was in his bed and Daphne was next to him, her head on his chest. They both woke up when the bathroom door opened. Daphne, surprisingly unembarrassed, got out of bed and walked over to Blaise.

"Are you okay?" she asked

"I'm fine," he said, automatically. He was tense, as always around her.

Daphne didn't look like she believed him, but knew not to push. Her eyes flicked over to Draco and she nodded. "I need to get back to my room, though."

She gave a look to Theo, who nodded appreciatively, and she lifted the locks on the door before going back down. Blaise walked over to Theo's bed. He hadn't gotten out from the covers, yet.

"She stopped by," Theo said, lowering his eyes as though needing to defend himself.

"I'm glad she did. Theo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," Blaise said, touching his arm.

"I was just worried," Theo said, not making eye contact.

"I shouldn't have let you be alone. Are you okay?" Blaise said.

He merely nodded and didn't look at either of them. Draco swallowed hard. He shouldn't have left him, either. He was so worried about Blaise that he just broke through the wards and shut the door behind him. It was negligent on his part, but he just had to get to Blaise.

"I'm more worried about you," Theo muttered, finally, still not looking up at Blaise.

Blaise took his hand. "I'm... better."

Theo's black eyes flicked up to Blaise's and back down. "You don't look it."

"I am," he insisted.

"What'd McGonagall do to you?" he asked, daringly. Draco wouldn't even ask him that.

"She didn't do anything. She just gave me a week of detentions."

Theo looked up to stare at Blaise. "I don't believe you."

Draco was slightly impressed by Theo's boldness. He'd never seen him challenge Blaise, even before everything went... crazy.

Blaise's shoulders dropped slightly and he whispered, "I don't want to talk about it."

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