Chapter 79 - Presents

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Chapter 79 - Presents

Published: January 14th, 2022

So, Moira Zabini did, in fact, have Devil's Snares guarding her outer wall, Harry noted with some awe. He walked next to Daphne, who also eyed the plants with trepidation. She also had no desire to be out in the strangely warm garden. The Widowmaker must have some greenhouse warming spells up, as there were flurries in the air outside of the property. Neville and Blaise's mum were just in their sight range, and Harry awkwardly stayed with Daphne and wondered what to say. Outside of casual conversation topics, he hadn't really spoken to her.

"So... what do you think that was about... I mean inside?" Harry asked, eyeing a plant that had just slithered across their path and replanted itself on the other side of the stone walking path.

She grimaced and looked back at the house. "I don't know. They are... it's hard to describe how they are. They just need to be alone, sometimes. I suspect that they'll always be like that and, even if they don't subtly ask us to leave, it's so awkward to stay. Those three have conversations without even talking. They just know each other that well."

Harry nodded. There was no denying the connection between Draco, Blaise and Theo. It wasn't even close with what he had with Ron and Hermione. "I suppose we should get used to this then, eh?"

Daphne smiled and looked at a purple lotus flower. Harry knew it was a dangerous plant, as it could lure someone into a permanent trance if ingested. He eyed Neville and Moira Zabini, who were communicating somehow with the Devil's Snares and petting them. He shook his head, in disbelief, and half-wondered if they were there as witnesses for her defense.

"Yeah," Daphne said, quietly.

Harry bit his lip and went for it. "Draco told me... that you were... you know...."

"Pregnant?" she finished, with a small smile.

"Yeah... that's... good? Right?" He honestly had no clue how he was supposed to react. He'd be freaking out if it was him.

"Yeah... I... I want a life with Theo, but I'm so scared. If something happens... I mean, I know I have Draco and Blaise...."

"And me... and Neville... and Hermione, and I could go on. Don't think that we won't be here for you, too. Not just for Draco, either. I know that we don't talk much, but I will help you in any way I can. I won't let anything happen to you," Harry vowed.

Daphne smiled, and her fingers almost touched the nefarious flowers in front of him, but she pulled back. "You always were good at speeches."

"So, I've been told. Not so much with small talk outside of quidditch and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

She laughed. "You're doing okay. You make Draco so happy, you know?"

"I'd like to think so. He was worried about... whatever they are doing in there. As it's Christmas, I imagine they're exchanging presents. Draco didn't tell me what he got anyone."

Daphne nodded and smirked, "He's always had a flair for the dramatics."

Harry laughed. "Just a little."

They looked over at Neville and Moira, who left the strangle-happy Devil's Snares were now knee-deep in writhing, squirming plants. They didn't seem worried about it, so Harry figured they were fine.

"I hate Herbology," Daphne declared, shuddering, but then smiled, looking over at them. "Blaise's mum... she's been really nice to me. She told me that we could stay here... I mean after school. No matter what happens. She said that... I shouldn't think that I don't have a mother. That she will be here to help get me through the pregnancy and even to help raise him, if need be."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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