Chapter 42 - Pain and Humiliation

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Chapter 42 – Pain and Humiliation

Published: 3/2/2019

Professor Minerva McGonagall was dosing at her desk. Young William hadn't returned, yet, though he had warned her that he would be fairly late. She already knew that Neville had entered Slytherin with Blaise Zabini. With what was going around the school, she assumed Blaise was taking out some manner of revenge. Tradition said it was best to let the Slytherins sort out their matters themselves, but Neville was a professor. He didn't just give up a password, he went there to watch. She also had to consider that her Head Boy had openly attacked his fellow housemate, as well. She closed her eyes and thought about her response.

Her eyes opened when she heard her inner office door creak. "There you are."

"I apologize, Headmistress."

"Enough, William, call me Minerva."

"As you wish, but I will just go out to the gates or Hagrid's hut, now. I shouldn't be keeping you up so late. You aren't getting enough sleep."

"Getting old is hard, but really William... I rather hear how it went with Mr. Malfoy."

"Very well, actually. He's very advanced already when it comes to these spells. He must have worked at it a lot last year to get so proficient at it. He requires eye contact to complete the spell, too. I'll try different ways to break that. He's willing to try just about any task I give him... regardless of danger or pain. He's driven, that's for sure. He nearly passed out tonight before he would stop."

"He'll leave us all behind, then?"

"Probably, but it's sapping his physical strength more than it ought to. I would have preferred if he tried the spells with his wand first, but he won't even try. If he had a wand that was compatible with him... he would be so much more well-equipped. If it were possible, I'd take him to Ollivander's myself to buy him one."

"Well, don't. I've got an official notice from the Ministry saying that his probation officer wants him restricted to the grounds for security reasons... also there is this dementor that seems to be following him."


"Yes. Harry felt it on the train coming in. Draco saw it last week and thinks it attacked him twice while he was with his mother in muggle London. He believes it is the same one from Azkaban, but there is no way to prove it. The Ministry dismisses the idea and though it seems preposterous but I believe him. How could I not? He's not one to lie... anymore... and I don't believe he was hallucinating."

"I agree. Does he know how to protect himself?"

"He knows... but I can't imagine that he could produce a Patronus. Magical skill isn't enough."

"I can try to work with him," Bill offered.

"Thank you... how is his mental state? He had quite a day, today."

Bill frowned. "He was very happy, as compared to last week. He insists on calling me, Professor."

"As well he should, Bill."

He nodded with a smile. "Perhaps... but he seems to really enjoy Curse Breaking, too, as well as Core Magic. Almost like he forgot about the other things on his mind. He wasn't as scared of me... at least by the end. He could meet my eyes without me prompting him."

"That's progress. You gave him the note?"

"Yes. He nearly teared up. I nearly teared up. I can't imagine how his life has been if such a small act of kindness touches him so much."

"No, you can't, but the dementors took most of his defenses. I'd say he hasn't been able to protect his emotions since then."

"Dementors... evil things."

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