Chapter 13 - Readjusting

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Fluff has arrived! It's a long chapter and sorry for switching between character POVs four times, but I wanted it from that person's prospective.

13 - Readjusting

The Wizengamot filed out quickly, the warlocks stiff from hours of testimony and deliberations. Draco sat froze as they all left, walking past him to the door. Professor McGonagall came over to see Potter.

"Thank you, Professor," Potter said and she waved him off.

"Nothing... it was nothing. I expect I will see you back as well, Mr. Potter?" she asked, sounding slightly victorious.

"If you'll have me," Potter joked. His old Head of House gave him her glare.

"Of course. I'll be expecting you on the first, Mr. Malfoy. You can expect my owl."

Draco didn't look at her, only nodded, still sitting in the accused chair.

"Mr. Malfoy, I was one of those who insisted upon you completing your education. It also may give you a chance to heal your wounds, if you are surrounded by friends, instead of cooped up with no one but your mother. I'm sorry if the sentence is harsh. But if you study and work hard, I have no doubt you will succeed.

"Thank you, Professor. I'm just..." Draco broke off. He had no answer.

"It's quite alright. We will get you squared away, if there are any issues."

"Thank you, again, Headmistress," Potter said, giving her a respectful nod as she walked out the door.

Draco looked back and the court was clear but for them, Granger and the Weasel. Draco still wouldn't look at either of them.

"You mean I have to deal with him for another year?" Weasel growled.

"Ron... can I meet you back at my place?" Potter asked.

"Without him? Sure," Weasley spat. Granger gave Potter a hug and pulled her not-boyfriend out of the courtroom.

Draco hesitantly looked up and Potter. He was smiling, again. "Come on. You're free."

He got up and slowly walked out into the hallway. "W-What now?"

Potter shrugged and nodded over his shoulder. Draco turned and his heart stopped. Narcissa Malfoy came toward him. He started shaking again, but it was in trepidation of seeing his mother, walking up to him. He shrunk down, lowering his head and his eyes. She would see how hurt he was... it would hurt her to look at him.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," Draco moaned dropping his head into her shoulder, though she was over a foot shorter.

She wrapped her arms around him and he was safe. His father and Voldemort couldn't hurt him, now. Her embrace was exactly the way he remembered. She loved him, for all his faults and for what he did.

"I'm sorry, mom," he repeated and she shushed him, squeezing him harder. "It was all my fault... they hurt you because...."

"Stop that!" she snapped. "I forgive you, I'll always forgive you. Oh, Draco, my poor precious angel, how you've suffered. I'm the one who's sorry. If I'd only been stronger... I would have left your father long before Voldemort. Forget everything. You're safe, my precious one."

Draco couldn't help but start sobbing like he was a baby. He just wanted his mother to hold him until everything was better, until he was fixed, but that wasn't going to happen.

Then he heard Longbottom call from the elevator, "Harry, the press is coming." Draco froze.

"Don't worry, I got it. Hold on," Potter said.

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