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In the courtyard of Winterfell, young boys and girls practised archery, just like Jon had done with his brothers and sister when he was young. And just like his father and Lady Catelyn had done, Jon and Sansa stood on the balcony watching over with Ser Davos accompanying them. "Tyrion is not like the other Lannisters. He was always kind to me, but it's too great a risk. "The Seven Kingdoms will bleed as long as Cersei sits on the Iron Throne. Join us. Together we can end her tyranny." Sansa quoted the letter in her hands, it had the Targaryen sigil printed next to the text but then Davos took it out of her hands. Thanks to Princess Shireen teaching him how to read before her passing he could easily read the context of the letter.

"Sounds like-" Davos started but cut himself off, "Sage!" He exclaimed as he saw the brunette riding in through the gates of Winterfell. Jon's attention was suddenly now on his betrothed as he pushed past both Sansa and Davos so he could get down to the courtyard.

"Sage!" now it was Jon's turn to shout the woman's name as she got off her horse.

"Jon." She answered, though not as exited, she was drained of energy after the long journey and the emotional toll it had taken on her. At first, Jon didn't seem to notice her apparent sadness as he just brought her into a tight hug, he had missed having his stubborn and witty brunette at home.

"Gods, I've missed you," Jon released her from the hug to inspect her face like it had been years since they last saw each other and when he did he noticed her sad eyes and shrunken shoulders, "what's the matter, Sage? Didn't you succeed?"

"Yes, I did. I ripped them out, root and stem, but..." Sage trailed off.

"But what?"

"But I found out," Sage took a deep breath as she held back the tears, "that they got to Rami. He's dead, Jon."

"I'm sorry, Sage." Once again he brought her into a hug, but this one being more gentle and comforting.

"It's just been a lot to process." Sage sighed as she burrowed her face into his fur, Jon's presence made the situation better he was the anchor that kept her not drifting too far away from shore.

"My Lady." Davos said as he approached the couple.

"Ser Davos." Sage had released Jon and instead embraced Davos, it was good to see the old man.

"My Lady." Sansa spoke as she also had arrived at the courtyard.

"Lady Sansa." Sage answered and moved on to hug her, the hug first took Sansa aback and for a moment it was just Sage hugging but sure enough Sansa lifted her arms and embraced the brunette who was tall for a woman but still stood short compared to Sansa.

"Have I missed something while I was gone?" Sage asked as she started to unfasten her packing from the horse.

"Yes, there's a letter," Davos explained as he was the one holding it, "it's from Tyrion Lannister." The name made Sage raise her eyebrows.

"Are you sure it's him?" Sage asked, it seemed weird that the man who she hadn't heard about in years suddenly sent a letter to Jon Snow.

"Aye, the last bit, 'all dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes' is something he said to me the first night we met." Jon explained for Sage as he just had done moments earlier to Sansa.

"Let me read it." Sage said and Davos handed her the letter. She traced her fingers over the letters quickly as she was very curious about the context of it.

"It's his writing, I can remember his penmanship from the name day cards he gave me as a child, he often refills on ink and doesn't dot his I's but instead makes a diagonal dash." Sage explained, "So he wants you to bend the knee to this... dragon lady?"

WE WALK ALONE [Jon Snow]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant