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The ship with the Targaryen sail crossed the sea as it neared the Capital of Westeros, King's Landing. On the foredeck of it stood the King in the North and the Onion Knight, looking at the large Red Keep nearing them. One looked at it with a look of nostalgia and the other with fright and confusion. The two were soon joined by Tyrion. "How many people live there?" Jon asked the Imp who looked with determination at the nearing city.

"A million, give or take." The Lannister explained, once he had been in charge of them all as Joffrey's Hand, he had also saved them when Stannis attacked, that city owed him yet no one would ever know of his heroic deeds.

"That's more people than the entire North crammed into that. Why would anyone want to live that way?" Jon was a free soul, he felt anxious as he thought about living in such a cramped space. he needed space to wander in, to explore, no narrow alleyways stinking of shit.

"There's more work in the city. And the brothels are far superior." Tyrion's statement made Davos smile but Jon had too much else on his mind to find it funny. 

After a moment of silence, the bastard spoke again, "she's there, somewhere in that castle," Jon sighed, "and I'm about to be there too and I'm not going to do anything about it. I'm a terrible husband." There was a bittersweet tone to what Jon said.

"But a great leader," Tyrion assured, "just try to focus on why we're here. She would want you to." It was as if the wight in the box under deck had heard Tyrion because it screeched in frenzy and the three men flinched in pain, all of them thinking about the fact that if this summit didn't go as planned, they would all end up like that.

The ruins of the Dragon Pit were huge and intimidating to Jon. It had this feeling that history had been made here and with this summit, they were to make history here again. Lannister Banners decorated the walls and three red open tents with chairs under had been placed in the middle. Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Brienne, The Hound, Daenerys' advisors and the Dothraki all waited on the platform while the Lannister soldiers were stationed at the walls of the pit.

After just standing around, thinking about if this was a trap, everyone's attention was turned towards one of the entrances. Cersei was being escorted by her entire Queensguard and with her, she had Jaime, her Hand Qyburn and Euron Greyjoy. A lot of glances were shared, one between Brienne and Jaime, Jon and Cersei, Theon and Euron and then a long and hateful one between Cersei and Tyrion. Even a blind person could tell that they hated each other's guts.

Everyone had now seated themselves at their respective tent, Cersei and company in the middle one, Jon on the right and Daenerys' allies to the left but they were missing their Queen. Suddenly The Hound walked from his place behind Jon up to Cersei's tent and the largest Queensguard met him. Sandor said to his brother, "Remember me? Yeah, you do. You're even fucking uglier than I am now. What did they do to you? Doesn't matter. That's not how it ends for you, brother." He paused, "you know who's coming for you. You've always known." Then The Hound left, he walked down a flight of stairs that were in front of the platform while the other Clegane walked back to his spot behind his Queen.

"Where is she?" Cersei asked Tyrion.

"She'll be here soon." Tyrion stated with not a single ounce of politeness.

"Didn't travel with you?" His sister asked.

"No." He sighed, her sister had never been famous for her patience.

Time passed, everyone sitting in awkward silence, Jon looked at Tyrion for help, for something reassuring that it was going to go as planned but the Imp looked just as nervous. Though everyone was pulled from their thoughts by the loud sound of a Dragon's screech. All the eyes turned towards the sky where they could see two huge beasts owning the blue sky. They cast large shadows over the dragon pit as one of them landed on the ruins of it and gave off a huge roar. It lowered its shoulder to the ground so the small female riding it could step off, gracefully she touched the ground and confidently walked over to the open tents. Then she sat down on the only free chair, next to Tyrion and opposite of Jon's tent, The Dragon Queen in the flesh. "We've been here for some time." Cersei's words dripped with toxicity.

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