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A man. Brown eyes. Brown hair. Round face. Beard. Kind eyes, no, sorrowful, or perhaps scared ones. Nevertheless, they were staring right back at Sage's own. Brown eyes, not grey, not a hint of foggy but instead clear chestnut brown orbs. "S-Samwell?" The brunette stuttered, like if speaking would take it all away.

"Y-yes?" Samwell was scared to death, he still didn't know if it had actually worked. Slowly, Sage prodded herself up into a sitting position on the bed, never once did she let her eyes wander off the round boy, scared that if they did it would all disappear again.

It took the Baratheon a couple of moments to answer, "i-is that you?" Her words made both her and Samwell burst into tears as they both realized that it had worked.

"It's me!" Sam exclaimed as Sage threw herself around his neck, the hug caught him off guard but he quickly returned the favour, "I can't believe that it worked!" He was surprised by his own skills.

"Neither can I!" Sage's newly found sight was getting blurry from all the tears, "thank you, so much! I'll be able to see my own child's face thanks to you."

"Oh," Samwell had never got this much praise or gratitude so he didn't really know what to respond, "my pleasure!" His answer was a bit awkward but it just made Sage laugh. With shaky legs Sage stood up from the bed, she was still exhausted from all the pain but after a few careful steps she had made it to the chair at the desk where a small mirror was placed.

In the old dirty reflection, a girl with chestnut brown eyes stared back at Sage. She had brown hair that was half down and half up in two tight braids on the side of her head. Slender lips, upturned nose, heart-shaped face, straight eyebrows with a small scar at the end of the left one. "I'm sorry about the scar." Sam said as he noticed that the stag's eyes had stopped at it.

"You didn't do it, it was there before." Sage explained as she looked at the brown-haired man through the small mirror.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"A bad man gave me it." Sage said as she remembered how the Lion had scared the Stag by giving her an eternal reminder of his power.

Samwell had followed Sage to the gates of Oldtown where Sage had now mounted her horse. "What will you do now?" Sam asked and looked up at the brunette who had her staff on her back, a cloak around her body and some food in a satchel on the side.

"I'll return to Jon. He'll be pretty pissed about me leaving in the middle of the night." Sage smiled lightly as she imagined how Jon would first scream at her for doing something that stupid but in the next moment, he would remember that she was back. 

"I can imagine it. But in the end, it all went well." Sam shrugged, "and that's what matters, right?"

"I guess." Sage smiled at the Tarly, "don't be a stranger, Samwell."

"Give my best to Jon, will you?" Sam looked up with teary eyes at the Queen in the North.

"Of course," Sage pulled on the reins so her horse started moving away from the Tarly man, she looked over her shoulder at Samwell and smiled mischievously, "I'll see you around, Tarly."

Everyone who passed Sage must've thought she was mad because she smiled at them like a crazy person. It was fun to see all those faces, notice all those details, colours, and shades. The trees looked so green, the sky so blue, the horse so brown, everything was beautiful. Not like how she had witnessed that white walker for a fleeting second, blue, stale and terrifying. 

After days of riding Sage's proviant had nearly run empty. She hadn't ridden past any farms where she could trade the farmer some coins for some food, therefore Sage had to stop at an inn. The Roseroad had taken her to an inn called "the Bawdy Badger". There was a lot of horses tied to the fence so Sage had to tie her horse at a tree further away, apparently, the Badger was a popular place.

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