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After Sage's and Jon's conversation, she had a hard time thinking about anything else that day. His kindness towards her made her feel all warm inside. She could only think of one other person that had made her feel that way. But she didn't speak his name. Never. Not after everything that had happened.

Late in the night, when the celebrations for Jon had died out and everyone had gone to bed, Sage was still awake. She laid in her bed, tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep. When nothing seemed to work she gave up and got out of bed. She wore nothing but a night gown, she put on her boots and wrapped Jon's cloak around her that he allowed her to keep. She took her bo staff and walked out of her chambers.

The night was even colder than the day. Wolves howling could be heard in the distance. Sage paced around the corridors of Castle Black, making sure she was only turning right so she could easily find her way back. She was deep within thoughts when a voice sounded from behind her.

"My princess, what are you doing up this late hour?" the voice asked. Sage recognised it quickly.

"I could ask you the same, Ser Davos." She said turning around smiling. Davos was always kind, helping her and often standing up for her against Stannis.

"Trouble sleeping." Davos stated.

"Likewise, any particular reason why?"

"Unfortunaly so, your grace. Stannis told me we plan to march to Winterfell in seven days." Davos answered. "I fear what will become of the little Princess Shireen. It's dangerous for her to march with us to Winterfell, and Castle Black is no place for a little girl."

"I had no idea that we're marching so soon." it worried Sage too, the troops weren't ready yet, "we'll protect Shireen. You know I would die before I let anything happen to her. I believe you would do the same for her."

"Of course, your grace." There was no sign of doubt in Davos' voice.

"I think I'm going to head back to my quarters Ser Davos, I hope you'll have a good night of sleep."

"Same to you, your grace."

Sage's walk, which was supposed to make her sleepy, ended up making her more awake due to her meeting with Ser Davos. She knew that marching off so soon wasn't the best call. They didn't have enough food and they could really use some more soldiers. This decision wasn't something her father would make, he'd wait for a better opportunity. She'd bet that it was that dreadful red priestess who had twisted Stannis' mind.

Late at night, she had been able to fall asleep but the consequence was waking up way after sunrise. Everyone was already up and going when Sage got out of bed.  She didn't pay much attention to what clothes Sage picked for herself that morning. Her focus was on Shireen, thinking about what she could do to protect her. The final outfit consisted of a pair of trousers in dark brown leather, a peasant blouse in white linen with poofy arms and then a leather corset covering her abdominal area. Sage put on her cloak she got from Jon Snow and picked up her staff from its place next to the bed.

"Good morning sister!" Sage was met by her sweet little sister's voice as soon as she reached the stairs to the courtyard.

"Good morning. How did it go teaching Gilly to read?" Sage asked standing next to her sister.

"She's learning, we're on the letter S now." Shireen said taking proudness in her teaching abilities.

"She does have a great teacher." The two sisters linked arms, "could you help me down to the courtyard?"

"Of course!" The crowded courtyard made it hard to navigate but through all the noice Sage heard Jon instructing people how to swordfight.

"Shireen, take me to Jon Snow please." Shireen led them through a crowd towards Jon, when they were close to him Sage shooed Shireen away.

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