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Samwell waddled down the flight of stairs leading to the Crypts of Winterfell. The cold air of the underground tunnels engulfed him. His hot breath created small clouds as he took heavy breaths, both from the effort of all the stairs and the adrenaline from what he was about to do. The crypt was lit by torches and the candles in the statue's hands. They had been recently lit. Probably by the voices who were further down the crypt. "Who's this?" A female voice asked, Sam couldn't see her face but he immediately recognised the voice belonging to the Baratheon girl.

"My aunt, Lyanna." Her husband answered, revealing his presence. As Jon said the name of his aunt Sam flinched, it reminded him too much of his mission.

"She's pretty." Sage stated and quickly whipped her head in the direction of Sam, "Samwell!" The former blind girl quickly rushed up to the round man and wrapped him in a hug. Jon came close after and hugged his best friend when Sage had let go. Jon had missed his friend so and he was on the verged of tears as he hugged the man.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to be down here." Sam looked to Jon when he spoke as he was technically disrespecting his family.

"Then I'm not supposed to be here either." Sage gave the Tarly a wink.

"What are you doing in Winterfell? Or did you read every book in the Citadel already?" Jon joked, he didn't seem to mind that Sam was there, on the contrary actually.

"Well, when I was there he seemed to be well on the way." Sage said and smiled, it was good to once again see the man who was solely responsible for her sight.

"How are you feeling, Sage? Is your vision ever blurry? Red?" Blue sometimes, Sage thought but she would never say it out loud to anyone but Jon.

"No," Sage looked down in her in shoes in shame, gratitude, in humbleness, or a mix of everything, "it couldn't be any better. All thanks to you, Samwell." A small blush spread on Sam's cheek he had never been preached for his actions, mostly made fun of, and he had actually managed to change someone's life.

"Oh, my pleasure really." Sam was as modest as always, "there was something else, Sage. Bran would like to have a word with you."

"Me?" The brunette looked stunned, she had only had one conversation with the crippled boy and in that he had given her weird looks that had made shivers run down her spine, "why?"

"He didn't tell me why. He said that he would have come down here himself but you know... the stairs." Sage nodded a bit too quickly, trying to show empathy for Bran's situation but it came off as a bit too much.

"Where is now?" Sage asked.

"In the Godswood." Sage nodded in response.

"I'll see you later, Jon." She gave her man a quick squeeze on the arm, "and it was good seeing you again, Samwell." She smiled at the Southern man before walking past him. sam mentally sighed in relief, the first step of the mission had been completed, getting Jon alone, now, it was only the difficult part left.

The Godswood looked as it usually did in the late evening, scary and big. Though as soon as Sage reached the middle of it, she calmed down. The presence of the weirwood tree reminded her of the wedding, one of the happiest moments in her life. The only thing different from that night was the sight of a young man in a wooden wheelchair. He was facing the pained face of the tree. That's why Sage was so caught off guard when he spoke, without even knowing Sage was there, "it's so beautiful here at night."

"Uh yes" Sage had a hard time knowing what to say, "wish I could have seen how it looked when I got married here." Her marriage was her only connection to the Godswood, therefore it was easy to reference it when you stood there, with the wine red leaves casting long shadows over you.

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