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Utter terror. Waking up in an empty bed that was supposed to contain your pregnant wife was nothing less than terrifying. Jon hadn't woken up from a nightmare, he had woken up to one. The two letters he held in his hands were shaking so much that he had a hard time reading them. One letter was so polishedly written with straight and neat letters and the other one looked like it was written by a five-year-old, or in this case, a blind person. Jon's gaze continued going back and forth between the letters as if it would make the situation less real. In one second Jon read a sentence from Samwell's letter, "a possible treatment... found in the forbidden library... possibly lethal." and in the other, he read the words of Sage, "I'm going... I trust Samwell..." But the thing that Jon caught himself reading over and over again was the last sentences in each letter, "I warn you, it was forbidden for a reason." and in Sage's, "we walk alone." Sage's last words brought Jon to tears. They ran down his cheeks as he thought about his wife going far away from him, through enemies' lands, while pregnant, to get a treatment that could possibly lead to her death. All without asking for his thought in all this. 

Jon took a couple of moments for himself, to dry his tears and compose himself before storming out of his room with the letters clutched tightly. With hasty steps, Jon made his way through the corridors of Dragonstone and on his way to his destination he passed Ser Davos, "your Grace?" Davos wondered why his king was looking so pissed off and was practically running down the corridor. The Onion Knight decided to follow after the bastard.

When Jon stormed into the room that contained the map of Westeros the Dragon Queen along with her Hand, the Master of Whisperers and her trusted advisor Ser Jorah were in the midst of a conversation. "Your grace, we're in the middle of something-" Tyrion started but Jon cut him off as he threw the two letters on the table.

"You knew?" Jon exclaimed, clearly angry, as he gestured for the two letters. Tyrion who sat just in front of where the letters had been thrown took them up and took a few moments to read them through. 

"No." Tyrion ultimately answered, "I had no idea."

"What's this about?" Dany finally asked.

"Sage Baratheon is gone." Tyrion looked down in guilt like he had been responsible for her disappearance.

"How?" Dany was clearly pissed off, she hadn't given her permission to leave.

"A secret tunnel in our chamber." Jon spoke up, "she used it before to sneak out without the guards knowing."

"What?" The Mother of Dragons exclaimed but quickly calmed herself down, "and where is she now?"

"She's heading for Oldtown," Jon explained, "my friend Samwell Tarly sent a letter to her, telling her he might have a treatment for blindness..." The King in the North trailed off for a bit as he had to swallow his newly formed tears, "but it may kill her."

"Hm, I didn't think she would go." Varys stated like he was just talking about the weather.

"You knew?!" Now Jon was pissed off he rushed the few steps to the bald man and lifted him by the collar from the spider's sitting position.

"I'm the Master of Whisperers, I know everything." Varys stated calmly like he wasn't having trouble getting air, "well, I read the letter before giving it to her." Varys ultimately admitted and Jon had to calm himself down so he wouldn't choke Varys to death. When Jon had released the eunuch Jon went back to the position he stood at before and Varys sat down, smoothing out his robe that had gotten wrinkled.

"I'll go after her." Davos spoke up who had entered the room just after Jon.

 "And do what? Force her not to? I think we can all agree that the Queen in the North isn't that compliant." Tyrion pointed to Sage's stubbornness and everyone knew it was true.

WE WALK ALONE [Jon Snow]Where stories live. Discover now