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At first, they were all quiet, Davos, Sage, Jon. The heavy breaths of the Lord Commander filled the room, that was how Sage knew he was alive. Jon slowly rose up from his laying position and turned his head to the side, watching as the two stood in awe, just staring at him, except for, well, Sage. Then, he turned his gaze down at his bare torso. Upon seeing the stab wounds he went into shock. His breathing became quicker and more quivering. As he got off the table he found himself on shaky legs but Ser Davos was quick to catch him with his cloak. Jon sat back down on the table and wrapped the cloak around his naked body.

Melisandre appeared in the door frame. She had heard a lot of noises and wondered what was happening. What she saw was truly unbelievable, a fully alive Jon Snow, breathing and living. Melisandre's appearance had pulled Sage out of her paralysed state. "Jon!" She exclaimed as she rushed forward to him. She pulled him into a hug, "are you okay? How do you feel?" Sage started rambling questions, she had thousand of questions to ask and a million things to say. But when he didn't answer Sage realised her mistake, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be asking so many questions." Sage bit her lip, the last thing she wanted to do was to make him feel overwhelmed. Jon didn't answer, he couldn't, there was too much going through his brain at the moment.

"What do you remember?" Davos asked, trying to make everyone calm down.

"They stabbed me," Jon finally got out, "Olly... He put a knife in my heart... I shouldn't be here." Jon was on the verge of tears, he felt truly broken.

"The lady brought you back." Davos explained. Sage sat next to Jon while making a soothing motion with her thumb on the back of his hand. She didn't know how what else to do. Because how do you tell a man that had just been brought back from the dead that everything was going to be okay?

"Afterwards, after they stabbed you, after you died, where did you go? What did you see?" When Davos had mentioned the red woman she too had been pulled out of her shocked state. She had now rushed forward to the Lord Commander, kneeling down in front of him and asking him all the questions.

"Nothing. There was nothing at all." Jon's statement sounded more as a question. Even though that wasn't the answer Melisandre was hoping for, she didn't let it break her newfound belief.

"The Lord let you come back for a reason. Stannis was not the prince who was promised, but someone has to be." Melisandre words didn't give Jon a bit of calmness, instead, it made him terrified. He hadn't asked for this, he was just a bastard from Winterfell.

"Your grace, my lady, could you give us a moment?" Davos stepped in, the two women were full of questions and the knight knew that it wasn't making Jon feel any better. Melisandre rose up from her kneeling position with a shocked look, she didn't realise until now her mistake. Sage could feel her heart break into pieces, she had made Jon feel terrified. It was the most horrible feeling, and right now all she could do was to not make it any worse.

"Of course." Sage mumbled as she rose from her place next to Jon. The tapping sound of Sage's staff filled the room as she left, feeling guilty and ashamed.

Sage stood on the balcony facing out over the courtyard. Snow was beginning to fall but no one sought cover. Nothing could make the wildlings and Night's Watch move from the courtyard, they all wanted to see the man who had risen from the dead. And with the arrival of snow, Jon Snow arrived. He walked out on the balcony, standing next to Sage but closer to the railing. Everyone looked up at black-haired man, just staring in complete fascination. He looked the same as he did before, give or take a few locks of his hair. Discreetly, Sage leaned forward so her lips were close to Jon's ears, "if there was one moment in my life that I would want to see, then it would be the looks on their faces." If it weren't for the circumstances, Jon would laugh.

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