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The fun of the wedding didn't last long, duty had called and Sage, Jon and Ser Davos had to sail for Dragonstone not long after. After a tedious journey filled with a seasick Northern king and tasteless ship food did they only have a short bit of rowing left before Sage was back at her childhood home. The place that Targaryen's had ruled for centuries, then Stannis had been its lord since Robert's rebellion and after his passing the keep had been empty, now it was back under Targaryen rule. Sage's heart was beating rapidly and her hands were so shaky she could barely hold on to the oar, she had Jon on her left in the small rowing boat and Davos in front of her. "Nervous, your grace?" Davos asked.

"I'm not-" Sage stopped herself. Before she had told Davos not to call her princess after Stannis' passing but now she couldn't technically tell him not to, "yes, it's been a very long time since." Sage tried to remember her last visit though it was hard since she hadn't been back since before she first went away to Braavos.

"I don't think the walls can ever forget how you brightened up the castle." Davos joked and Sage smiled in response, she was too on edge to be able to laugh.

"I don't think the walls are gonna be our biggest problem." Jon said as he continued rowing.

"Aye, the dragon queen." Davos stated as he also continued rowing, "do you think she really has dragons?"

"There are people who can swap faces, there's an army of the dead and I have actually seen. There isn't much I don't believe in anymore." Sage argued and Jon nodded in agreement.

A while later, the small rowing boat had practically reached the beach, for the last bit everyone had to get out and as soon as Sage's boots touched the cold water, she smiled, Sage had missed the sea. The small group of Starks and their King and Queen dragged the boat the last way up on the beach so it wouldn't drift away with the waves. When the boat was safe the party walked forward to the welcome committee if you could call it that, but Sage stayed behind and bent down to the sand. With a slow motion, Sage let her right-hand sink through the sand as her left held onto her staff.  The grains of sand felt raspy against Sage's skin and she welcomed it, it gave her chills of nostalgia as she remembered as a child how she ran barefoot on the beaches. While Sage was feeling the sand, Jon walked up to one of the people who had welcomed them, "the bastard of Winterfell." The person of short stature said.

" The person of short stature said

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"The dwarf of Casterly Rock." Jon answered and for a moment they just stared at each other but then broke into a smile as they walked forward to each other and shook hands. Now, Sage was done with her nostalgic trip so she joined Jon at his side.

"I see that the little lady is not so little anymore." the dwarf of Casterly Rock said and looked up at the tall brunette who had the last time they spoke been about his length.

"Age suits you, Lord Tyrion, or so I presume." Sage joked lightly as she closed the space between them and went for a close hug. At first, Tyrion had been taken aback, he didn't really expect it but she had always been like a niece to him so he just returned the embrace warmly.

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