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Brisk winds hit the party of Jon, Sage, Sansa, Davos, Tormund and Lyanna Mormont Island right in the face. They were riding up to the meeting point on the open field away from the walls of Winterfell. When Sage and her force of Baratheons had joined up with Jon and the rest of the army she had received a short explanation about all the houses and their answers. Lady Mormont had joined them with 62 men, Hornwood with 200, 143 Mazins and then 2000 Wildlings. The Glovers had refused Lord Karstark and lord Umber were now standing beside Ramsay. "You don't have to be here." Jon said to Sansa who was mounted on her horse beside him, just as Ramsay and his assembly approached them.

"Yes I do." Sansa said with determination in her voice. Behind the Stark and the bastard was Sage with Davos on her right and Tormund on her left and behind them were the rest of the party.

"My lady, you don't have to be here either." Davos leaned over and whispered to Sage.

"Why shouldn't I? Because of some silly threats?" Sage was also determined, her jaws were clenched tight and she grabbed the reins so tightly that her knuckles under her gloves went white.

"They didn't sound so silly to me, my lady." Davos warned, as always he feared for his lady. 

Suddenly the sound of galloping horses came to an end, Ramsay had stopped right in front of them. "My beloved wife," he started, Sansa didn't move a muscle, "I've missed you terribly." When Sansa didn't answer, Ramsay turned towards Jon, "thank you for returning Lady Bolton safely. Now, dismount and kneel before me, surrender your army and proclaim me the true Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. I will pardon you for deserting the Night's Watch. I will pardon these treasonous Lords for betraying my House." Still, no answer, "oh, I almost forgot, thank you for returning this traitor and her band of fanatics."

"Fuck the Lord of Light." Sage said which made Jon turn his head, he'd never heard her swear.

"Well, the apple does certainly fall far from the tree." Ramsay had an amused look.

"My father was a stubborn idiot." Sage said.

"And yet you follow in his footsteps." Ramsay said joyfully, he enjoyed this exchange.

"Yes," Sage gritted through her teeth, Ramsay had a point, "but the odds are different now."

"Different?" Ramsay laughed out loud, "bastard, you clearly picked the dumbest whore." To prevent the Baratheon fury from taking over and making Sage march over and punch that bloke bloody, she had to clench the reins so hard that she felt her nails digging into the palms of her hands. Jon continued to be quiet, "I have 6000 men. You have, what, half that? So come, bastard, you don't have the men, you don't have the horses, and you don't have Winterfell. Why lead those pour souls into slaughter? There's no need for a battle. Get off your horse and kneel. I'm a man of mercy."

"You're right. There's no need for a battle. Thousands of men don't need to die. Only one of us. Let's end this the old way. You against me." Jon's first words made everyone turn their heads, certainly Sage. This was exactly what she feared would come out of Jon's mouth, something stupidly brave. Before she could tell him to shut up Ramsay started chuckling.

"I keep hearing stories about you, bastard. The way people in the North talk about you, you're the greatest swordsman who ever walked. Maybe you are that good. Maybe not. I don't know if I'd beat you. But I know that my army will beat yours." Ramsay sounded like the cockiest person Sage had ever met.

"Aye, you have the numbers. Will your men want to fight for you when they hear you wouldn't fight for them?" Jon's question clearly rubbed Ramsay in the wrong way, and the Bolton bastard's allies also seemed angry or confused, Jon's words clearly left an impact on them.

WE WALK ALONE [Jon Snow]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum