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"I love you." The words had caught Sage off guard.

"I-I beg your pardon?" Sage nearly sounded offended.

"You heard me." Jon answered.

"You really thought that this was the most urgent thing you had to tell me?" Sage scoffed, she had just told the bastard about her troubled past, her darkest secrets. That she as a teenager was a trained assassin, killing whoever just if the price was right.

"Yes." Now, the Baratheon was on the edge of becoming angry with the Snow, "you said before that after you told me about your past, that I wouldn't feel the same for you. I do." The anger she had felt poured ooff of her at the same time has her heart melted.

"Seven hells, Jon. You truly are a romantic cliché." The blind girl stated and was about to rise from her seat when a warm hand on her shoulder made her stay put.

"That's not what you're supposed to respond." She sighed, the bastard was really the most cheesy person she had ever met.

"You're really stubborn, you know." The brunette tried avoiding saying it back, maybe this was her self preservation kicking in, making her not get attached. because when you got attached, you could lose, and she had already experienced losing the person you loved most.

"So are you." Jon said calmly.

"Fine," Sage swallowed her self preservation "I love you." She had leapt. Leapt right over the cliff that was called love. She was either going to fly the rest of the way or plummet right into the darkness of it.

"It wasn't that hard, was it?" Jon asked, a small blush had crept up on the brunette's cheeks.

"No, I guess not." She whispered and in the next moment, she had grabbed Jon's collar and pulled him into a tight kiss. They stayed like that for a long time, just kissing. It was easier than talking. The bastard was the first to pull away, he still wanted to know more.

"What did you do next?" Jon asked as Sage rose up from her spot on the ground and moved towards the lit fire, she had gotten cold after sitting on the floor for so long.

"I did what they had taught me, I lied. I told them that Rami had escaped me. But it didn't take them long to figure out my lie," my breath quickened, "Jaqen told me that I had stolen from the Many-faced God and that I was now in His debt."

"How did you repay?" Jon asked as he too rose from his seat and walked to the place next to Sage. 

"I didn't. I am still in His debt. And if I don't repay soon the faceless men will repay it for me." Sage's words were barely louder than a whisper, a terrified whisper.


"By killing you." Jon's mouth parted, his life was in danger and he had no clue until now and his silence worried Sage, "don't be afraid. No harm will come to you because I will end this debt."

"Sage-" Jon started, he knew that Sage had a strong moral code against killing, which he now understood the reason for. She didn't want to serve the Many-Faced God anymore.

"Don't. If I have to kill, the man dying will be the man who's made both my life and Rami's miserable." 

"I have never swallowed a worm!" Sage exclaimed as she squeezed Davos' arm harder.

"I swear, my lady! I saw it with my own eyes!" Davos chuckled as they continued their mid-day stroll around Castle Black, for the first time in a long while the sun shined on them. The warmth of the rays caressed Sage's cheek and made her miss the warm weather of Essos.

WE WALK ALONE [Jon Snow]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora