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When the three blastings of the horn had sounded, Sage and Davos had made their way to the ontop the front gate where Tyrion already stood. Jon and Dany also joined the three on the front gate, everyone staring out onto the pitch black field. The darkness didn't reveal anything but the looming threat was evident. They were coming. 

Dany started hurrying off to where she and Jon were supposed to be, the two didn't have much time to make it to the dragons. There were no words exchanged between the bastard and the Baratheon, only a quick kiss. There wasn't time for anything else but that kiss said a thousand things. Good luck. I love you. Please stay. Hurry. Kill those bastards.

Everyone was awfully quiet, it worried Sage to the core, usually before the battle there would be cries of encouragement, yelled orders and horses neighing but even the cavalry was dead quiet. It was as if the horses knew that undead ones waited on the other side of darkness. The Dothraki, who were always screeching and being brute were now sitting still and quiet on their horses like pretty ladies. The unsullied quietness didn't worry Sage, they were always quiet as mice, it would have worried her more if they made a fuss.

The cold was more evident for every moment that passed, white fog came out of everyone's mouth but no one shivered, everyone had braced themselves and now the adrenaline was heating them up. Sage had left her warm cloak that had been a gift from Sansa, a cloak would just be in the way during battle. Left to keep her warm was her leather vest corset but it wasn't as tight around her belly. The vest transformed into a knee-length skirt with a slit down the middle and the sides to enable full movement, similar to what Jon wore. The boots were sturdy knee-high boots that wouldn't let her slip in the snow. The pants she had tucked into the boots. There was no belt with a sheath around her waist, it would be both uncomfortable during the battle to have something around the big belly but also because she didn't need it. Her bo staff would be in her hands at all times. Thanks to her cousin, was the spear upgraded with two spearheads made of dragonglass at each end and a spiral of that same material spiralling down through the wood from one end to the other. 

Suddenly the sound of two dragons roaring and the gust their huge winds created made Sage take her eyes off the dark field. Over her head flew her beloved, she didn't like it but he was of better use up there. Jon didn't look down, he still wasn't used to soaring through the sky and it helped if he didn't see how far up he was but he knew she was looking. Giving him an unsatisfied glance that then returned towards the battlefield. 

Out on the battlefield a single rider emerged from the pitch-black horizon, Sage could feel her grip around her staff tighten and Davos placed his hand on the handle of his sheathed sword. The horse and its rider neared the troops, stopping in front of Ser Jorah. Now the light from the fires that had been built cast their light upon the rider. Her deep red hair reflected the light and her light face made herself known to the watchers on the gate, it was Melisandre.

Sage took a step closer to the wall as if she were to jump off the gate, run up to the Red Woman and beat her bloody like she had done in the Great hall before. The witch was saying something to Jorah who responded with a nod. Then the Mormont turned towards the Dothraki and called out an order and they unanimously lifted their arakhs. Melisandre placed a hand on the arakh of the closest Dothraki to her, she mumbled words in high Valyrian and in the next moment, every single arakh lit up.

From their place on the gate, Davos and Sage could see the wall of fire that was created in front of Winterfell. Maybe they did have a chance to make it out of this. Then the Red priestess started making her way through the ranks, nearing the gate. "open the gate!" The words coming out of Davos' mouth made Sage give him a sharp look, was he going to let her sister's killer in?

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