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Sage's journey back to Castle Black was filled with thoughts and worry. She'd gone in hope of getting answers but instead, she got even more unanswered questions and another problem she'd have to deal with. Her debt to Jaqen was one she knew of before the trip but now it was clear to her that she had to repay him soon. He was never this patient with anyone else but after all the years Sage guessed Jaqen had grown a soft spot for her. But the love wasn't mutual.

"Oy we've arrived, if you're not off the boat in five minutes you'll have to come with us to King's landing." A sailor had stormed into Sage's cabin pulling her from her musing. She stood up, tightening the cloak and pulling the hood over her head. At this time she wished she'd brought her night's watch cloak with her. The thin fabric of the cloak she's brought to Braavos wasn't fitted for the cold winds in the North.

At Eastwatch-by-the-sea, Sage mounted the horse she'd left behind before and started the last part of the journey. She took the route which went directly next to the Wall. Riding wasn't difficult but the boredom tore her apart. There was nothing for her to see for obvious reasons, no new smells and no Jon. By thinking about her debt, the army of the dead and her other problems she kept her mind busy but every minute or so it wandered away to Jon. He took up space, shoving everything important to the side. The memory of them kissing on top of the wall, his hands entwining in her hair and the soft touch of his lips against hers. Then she remembered the panic she felt at the sound of Ser Alliser's footsteps. But it also made everything more exciting. But it was one thing missing from the picture, Jon. Not literally, but in her mind, she didn't know how to picture him. She'd never ask him what he looked like, all she knew of was his shoulder-length locks but not the colour of it or his eyes. She missed him so but just in an hour or so they would be together.

"A rider!" A Watchman yelled from on top the gate of Castle Black. Sage kept her hood up to shield her from the cold. Slowly she rode closer to the gate standing a few meters from the gate. The wooden gate slid open and through the gap of the gate slid a person in his late 50s. He watched Sage with a grumpy look.

"Reveal yourself." The grumpy watchmen said and Sage immediately recognised the voice, it was Ser Alliser Thorne. This was certainly not who she thought was the person who would greet her at the gate. With caution, she followed his instructions and removed the hood.

"Ser Alliser." Sage said and Thorne became even more grouchy.

"If it wasn't the one and only, Princess Sage." Alliser spat making it clear of what he thought of her.

"Where is the Lord Commander?" Sage asked ignoring his comment. This made Alliser smirk, he turned around, looking at the crowd of watchmen who had gathered behind him.

"Look how pathetic, the whore is missing her lover." He cried out and the watchmen all laughed.

"Where is he?" Sage growled, making them all go quiet, she didn't like where the conversation was going.

"The traitor got what he deserved!" Thorne said with despise in his voice and the crowd agreed. Sage knew what this meant. He was gone.

"He was your Lord Commander! How could you?!" She shrieked back, a lump of tears formed in her throat but she swallowed it for now.

"He was a Wildling-fucking traitor! And you're nothing more than his blind whore!" His words angered her and hot tears made their way down her cheek.

"No, you're the traitor." Was the last thing Sage said before she turned the horse around and started galloping. She heard them shouting "whore!" after her but all she could think about was Jon. Maybe this was her fault. If she would have stayed maybe she could've prevented this from happening. If she'd stayed, those traitors would be the ones lying cold on the ground with flies gathering in their wounds. But instead, they roamed the land while Jon 's body was going cold.

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