god damn it hidan pt 2

Start from the beginning

"Where my hoes?"

"I don't know go ask someone else!" Pein shouted pointing at the door.

Hidan frowned as he got up and let out a huff.


This quick pause was brought to you by, A.S.S the company always reminding you to always eat After School Snacks.


Deep in the night was a raven haired male, struggling to find his peace in mind. With an arm covering his blood lust eyes he laid.

"What do you want hidan?" The raven spoke.

"Where my hoes?" Asked the jashinist.

"Hidan, you don't have any hoes." A stern tone laced in his voice as he spoke.

"Lies!" Shouted the albino before storming out of the raven's cage.


This pause was brought to you by, a whole ass box full of obikaka 😐 enjoy....


  A dimly lit room stood out from the others, why you ask? Well, it belong to the only dreamless member besides our tired crow. The master of puppets himself sat on his bed fixing up a puppet as usual.

"Oh god not this again..." Spoke the redhead

"Where my hoes?"

"Hidan leave!"

"Where my hoes?!" Shouted back the jashinist

"I killed them and made them into puppets!"



This quick pause was brought to you by, readers like you, thank you UxU



The night sky shined thousands of colors with the moonlight, seeping through the room of the paper angel. Her wings tucked away for another day as she slept all her worries away.

Her eyes fluttered open as she felt the touch of a devil. A pair of hands were grouping her breasts. A frown formed on her face as she smacked the hands away.

"Hidan!" She shouted covering her chest with her hands.

"Where my hoes?"

A sigh released from her lips as she rubbed her temples.

"Hidan, I don't know...."

"Where my hoes?"

"Why don't you go check the garden?"

Hidan paused for a moment before nodding his head and leaving the angels heaven.


The pause was brought to you by, the company behind skates bringing you the famous slogan,
Skate fast, eat ass!


  The night sky showered over the wicked garden, making it stand out with it's bright colors and forms. Inside his shell slept the one known as Zetsu curled up like a child.

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