I found myself suddenly questioning if he felt the same way I did. Was it possible for us to fix what I had broken?

Did he love me too?

Maybe you shouldn't jump the gun Ams, I rolled my eyes slightly.

But I couldn't help the smile forming on my face and the strong feeling of hope in my heart.

Something was happening between us. I couldn't deny that.

I pressed a soft kiss on his forehead, placed my hand over his and carefully intertwined our fingers, while trying not to wake him.

I froze in my tracks as Austin's eyes slowly fluttered open, just before he made eye contact with me.

I froze in my tracks as Austin's eyes slowly fluttered open, just before he made eye contact with me

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He tightened his grip on my waist and pressed his body into mine. He grazed his fingers up and down on my bare skin under my t shirt.

"Stay. Don't go." He mumbled with sleep in his voice.

I stared into his beautiful tired blue eyes that were searching mine for an answer. The same blue eyes that were my one and only weakness.

"Please." He asked quietly. He had a vulnerable look on his face that made my heart clench.

As if he needed me. As if he couldn't bear to be without me.

I nodded towards him and smiled. My hand reached over to push his hair back out of his face. "I'm not going anywhere, go back to sleep."

His expression quickly relaxed with content as he nestled himself even closer to me and closed his eyes.

"Austin?" I whispered, making his eyelids quickly open to meet my gaze.

"I missed you too." I whispered softly.

He gave me a satisfied smile before he leaned in further and kissed my jawline. He closed his eyes and buried his face into my neck. I gently ran my fingers through his hair, playing with his short curls until I heard his soft snores once again.

I half expected to feel like my heart was going to fall out of my chest. But as nervous as he made me, somehow I felt calmer than ever. 

After a second of taking in the tender moment that had just occured between us, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up once again, this time fully aware that I wasn't in my bedroom. And I quickly realized that I was alone as I didn't feel Austin's strong arms wrapped around me. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed I wasn't waking up to him. The apartment was dark as it was still pouring rain outside. I peaked at the time with one eye opened, with sleep still in my eyes.

11:37 am

I suddenly jumped up, as I hadn't slept in this late in a long time. I rubbed my eyes and breathed in the strong scent of fresh coffee as it lingered throughout the apartment.

Tell Me That It's All Okay / Post Malone Where stories live. Discover now