Chapter 24

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Austin stood next to me, with his eyes fixed to the floor. We were surrounded by complete and utter silence inside of the elevator after my appointment at the doctors office.

He hadn't spoken a single word to me and barely even looked in my direction since we left the exam room. He immediately became uneasy and noticeably flustered after he suddenly grabbed a hold of my hand and kissed it, which I presumed was just an accident.

He only muttered a simple "thank you" to my doctor when we left the room and then went on to completely ignore me on the walk towards the elevator.

Why did you have to go and ruin the moment Amy? Way to scare him off.

I had to speak up as I couldn't handle the uncomfortable amount of silence that was filling the elevator.

"Did you Uber here?" I quietly asked, looking over at him.

He barely shifted his gaze and looked at me from the corner of his eye and nodded as we arrived on the ground level of the parking garage.

"Do you want me to give you a ride to your hotel? Or do you want to come with me to Target? I wanted to pick up some more things for the baby. I can drop you off afterwards?" I nervously mumbled in a small voice.

"I can go with you to Target, if you don't mind." He answered lowly, without making any sort of eye contact with me.

I lead him to where my car was parked and clicked the button to unlock all of the doors.

"Here, I'll drive us." He offered as he extended his hand out for my keys. Our fingers brushed against each other as he took them from me. I glanced up at him, slightly catching his gaze before I gave him a small nod and opened the door, getting into the passenger's seat.

He started the car and backed out of the parking garage, driving us towards the busy streets of New York City.

As we sat in traffic, I could feel the thick tension building between me and Austin. I tried to convince myself that his gesture meant absolutely nothing and he didn't have feelings for me anymore. But then why was he acting like this?

Maybe it's cause he remembered how you shattered his heart and weren't together anymore Amy? Ever think of that?

I quickly rolled my eyes at myself. No, it had to be that he was just caught up in the moment. I mean, he just recently found out he was going to be a father and now he was listening to the baby's heartbeat for the very first time. He was clearly overwhelmed and it was alot for him to take in.

It meant nothing.

I finally decided to speak up after the heavy strain between us was killing me.

"So I heard the new song "Stay". Its incredible!" I said, hoping to lighten the mood and show him that it was possible for us to have a normal conversation without being too awkward.

"Thank you. Yeah my fans really seem to like it. I'm super proud of it." "I was so nervous the first time I performed it live, but everyone loved it." He weakly smiled as his eyes were concentrated on the road.

Okay we're making progress, I got a smile out of him

My thoughts quickly went to the night he first played it for me and how happy we were all those months ago. I would do anything to go back in time and relive that moment.

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