Travelling Day | Friday 3rd of May

9 3 0


This entry will be/was uploaded late because my flight was an overnight flight. Sorry for any inconvenience.
I won't add times till we check out of the hotel.


Dear Diary,

Since we are leaving for the airport in the afternoon, we have the entire morning to pack everything and have some lunch before we go. My dad had also gone for a walk and gotten to the ledge where the cat was supposed to be and called, but the cat didn't appear. Let's just hope that that cat got rescued or managed to get down.
We all got up and got ready. I had a quick shower so I didn't smell and I'd feel more comfortable on the plane. Then we all started packing our suitcases. Now, if you've seen those families or the groups of people at the airport that have like three too many suitcases for the group. For example: a family of three with six suitcases and a couple of backpacks. That's recently become us.
There was a time when there were still four of us and we only had three suitcases and a small bag. But now, we're still a family of four with five suitcases and three backpacks. Yay.
We actually packed all our suitcases quite quickly. Then we just finished up and packed up little things and got dressed.

Shanghai 2:00pm | Sydney 4:00pm
Around 2:00pm, we check out of the hotel and wait for our taxi.

Shanghai 3:00pm-4:00pm | Sydney 5:00pm-6:00pm
We arrive at the airport at 3:00pm and we go into the VIP lounge. We all run directly for the food and drink bar because it is 3:00pm and we haven't had food since 9:00am. We'll be in the VIP lounge until they take us to check in. We don't take off until 7:50pm so we have a lot of time to relax.

Shanghai 4:00pm-5:00pm | Sydney 6:00pm-7:00pm
At 4:00pm, a nice lady takes us to check in. Since we're in VIP, we don't have to line up. We check in our suitcases. Then we go through border security and and then she takes us to VIP where we will stay until we're ready to take off. Which is a long time.

Shanghai 5:00pm-7:30pm | Sydney 7:00pm-9:30pm
I relax in the lounge.

Shanghai 7:30pm-8:00pm | Sydney 9:30pm-10pm
We lined up and let the security check our boarding passes before boarding the plane. It takes us a while to taxi to the runway. I make myself comfortable.

Shanghai 8:00pm-12am | Sydney 10pm-2am
About half an hour into the flight, I'm watching Crazy Rich Asians (PG 13 or M) and dinner get served. I get the last spaghetti dinner on board. Yay. Soon, the cabin crew dim the lights so people can sleep. I start watching Bohemian Rhapsody (M) and get about half way when my eyelids just can't hold the weight anymore.
We have a row of four, but the row in front of us had three spare seats so my dad sat in front of us so my brother could have two seats to himself to sleep. Which he did. I left my seat and sat next to my dad who let me lean on his shoulder.
I think I got annoying because he suggested that I could have two/three seats here to sleep and he could sit in my spot. I said no but he insisted and I tucked myself in. I just laid there for a while because I couldn't sleep. Then I sat up and watched clean vines (screen-recorded) on my iPad.
Then I tried to sleep again.


Thank you for 215 views! I really appreciate it!
Sorry for uploading a day late. I'm a bit jet lagged.
Hope you enjoyed the entry!
Have a magnificent day/night!


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