Day 2 in Dalian | Wednesday 17th of April

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Dear Diary,

When I woke up this morning, the cat was, again, sleeping beside my leg. I pet it for a while before he hit me in the temple and I gave her beady eyes and left him alone.
Soon, we were all up and for breakfast we had toast, coffee, and Harbin sausages. They were delicious!
Then my brother, my dad and I all got ready to go out.
It was so freezing outside, my ears were going to fall off and my face was numb. Though I managed to get out my phone and take a picture of the beautiful scenery while we were walking:

     We walked to the shopping centres where we went to little dollar shops, the market, jewellery stores, Walmart, the grocery store, little hair accessory stalls, Starbucks (which I enjoyed most), some skewers with spicy BBQ lamb, and grabbed so...

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We walked to the shopping centres where we went to little dollar shops, the market, jewellery stores, Walmart, the grocery store, little hair accessory stalls, Starbucks (which I enjoyed most), some skewers with spicy BBQ lamb, and grabbed some egg tarts from a little stall for a snack.
I managed to buy loads of little Chinese key rings and hair clips and ties that you can only get in China. At Walmart, I bought a pencil case in the shape of a Coca Cola bottle, some pens that I had nearly run out of in Australia that aren't sold in Australia. They are really thin and don't leak and are really pretty and so much better than the Biro pens in Australia that are kinda ugly (no offense) and always leak and smudge. My friends also really like them so I bought a few packets to give some pens away.
I also bought a Geometry set that is hopefully better quality than the one that keeps breaking at school. And a pack of pens for my brother.
For a snack/lunch, we stopped by a little stall in the streets that sold really cheap egg tarts and bought a few to eat. We bought four, and converted RMB to AUS DOLLARS, is 25 cents for each tart! That is incredibly cheap! What a bargain! When we were walking through the market, we also bought some skewers of BBQ lamb that looked (and tasted) really nice. And before we went to the grocery store, we stopped by Starbucks where we got a drink each and ate our fresh egg tarts.
After that, we went to the grocery store to buy a few things.
Then we walked home. Which was again, cold and freezing. But we survived and got home.
I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the cats (the one living at this house and the adorable stray ones living in the area), drawing, playing MarioKart with my brother, playing my iPad, and doing some more homework. I also went back over to my friend's house before dinner and I got to see her pet snake and two adorable squirrels. One of which was very jumpy and jumped all over me and it even hurt because of it's sharp claws. But it was still cute.
Then we had a nice dinner and loads of seafood. Then I had a shower and relaxed. My sister and I sat on the couch and watched Chinese shows together which was really fun. We also looked at online shopping and looked at useless erasers and stationary stuff.
I quickly finished this entry and went to bed.


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Also, comment if you've lost followers suddenly because I've lost 8 in the last 24 hours and so have some of my friends! Please tell me I'm not the only one! XD
Sorry for the late update of yesterday's entry!
Love y'all!


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