Day 4 in Dalian | Friday 19th of April

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Dear Diary,

     This morning when I woke up, Mimi wasn't sleeping with me, he was behind the curtains on the windowsill sleeping. Yay. And I also woke up depressed because of the phone situation.
     So I got up and freshened up a little before walking into the living room. My dad stared at me with sad eyes and everyone else as well because I'm in trouble from my mother. And gosh, my mother is harsh. I love her, but she is harsh. She said good morning but I know she's mad at me still.
     When I go to get dressed and get some breakfast, when I get back to the dining room, everyone's staring at me and my nightmare gets more scary when my mum asks me, "How did your drop your phone in the water?". I give my dad a look of You told her!? and he gulps hard and smiles guiltily and walks off. My sister and auntie lower their heads and I'm stuck.
     I tell her the truth that I knocked it in the sink and my auntie and sister back me up so my mum doesn't get more mad which I appreciate. Then I sit down silently at the table and try to eat my food without balling my eyes out. I'm that type of person that looks really buff and strong and physically powerful and more masculine than feminine but is actually very, very soft and wimpy on the inside. If my parents tease me a few times about my likes and dislikes and what I'm afraid off, I'll star tearing up. At school interviews, my eyes will fill up with tears when my teachers tell me that I need to speak up and my parents give me that look.
She doesn't get mad even though she looks kinda mad, she just looks disappointed which is kinda worse. She asked me why I just didn't say earlier, when this problem could be fixed earlier and I don't reply. Then she asks me, "We're you scared that I'd get mad?" And I nodded sadly. It's true. My mum is really good at discipline.
She sighs and I stare off into the distance like everything is okay and I'm not crying -sniff sniff-. Then I sit down and eat my breakfast.
Later, I get ready to go out with my sister to go fix my phone. We drop my parents off before going to the train station. On the train, we listen to music and watch videos on the Chinese YouTube app (not really YouTube, just an ad similar to it).
Outside is very cold and we find the Apple Store and ask about the phone. Here's the bad news:
They tell us, that if they try to open up the phone and fix it or suck out the water, that they would break it so they said that the only chance at saving the phone would be to let it dry for a couple of days. There might already be permanent damage in it that can't be fixed but it might last a few months.
So we decide we'll just spend the day at the shopping centre and do some stuff. We head to Starbucks where my sister gets a latte and I get a caramel cappuccino and we share an expresso which was so strong and not sweet at all. We talk about Australian/English/American accents when speaking English and the difference between them and what Australia is like since my sister's never been.
Then, on the way to getting lunch, we see . . . Dun dun dun . . . A freaking cat cafe!!!
Of course, we order something from the cafe and rush inside to play with the cats.
I think we spend nearly two hours in the cafe playing with cats. It was totally worth it, it was so so fun! I wanna go back! Hopefully we'll be able to go back again!
Here are some photos from the cat cafe:

 It was totally worth it, it was so so fun! I wanna go back! Hopefully we'll be able to go back again!     Here are some photos from the cat cafe:

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//These cats belong to Cat & Cafe and thanks go to them for having such a great service??

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//These cats belong to Cat & Cafe and thanks go to them for having such a great service??

How cute are the kitty cats?? I was dying spending time with them! Best day of my life!
Unfortunately, we had to go 'cause soon it would be the rush hour if we didn't hurry. So we went to the restaurant and had a quick lunch before getting on the train and going home. On the train, we again listen to music and watch Chinese YouTube.
Then we quickly got some groceries from the grocery store and caught a taxi home. I put my phone on the windowsill to dry and I'm praying that it will be better soon. Please, please, please. Then we had dinner which was delicious!
Then I had a shower and wrote on WattPad while watching ASMR. Don't judge, it helps me relax. Then I went to bed.
Goodnight guys!!


Thank you so much for 131 views! I really appreciate it!
Prayers to heal my phone! I'm sorry for dropping it, I know I should've been more careful. I'm a really clumsy person.
I love all you guys!
Have a great day/night!

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