Day 3 in Shanghai | Tuesday 30th of April

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Dear Diary,

Today, my mum has to go to the bank early so she left before I actually got up. We didn't have breakfast because we're going to meet my mum and then go to Starbucks for breakfast. So I just drink some yogurt (in China, they have drinkable yogurt which I love) before getting ready.
Then we get going to the bank. While I wait, I write on WattPad. When my mum's done, we walk to Starbucks and order a few things to drink and eat. While I enjoy food, I write on WattPad.

     Then we take a taxi to a nearby suburb that we used to live at when we were younger

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Then we take a taxi to a nearby suburb that we used to live at when we were younger. The houses are really old and some are mouldy. I don't completely remember my old house because I was four when we left China. We also visited my parents old apartment.
Then across the road to the shopping centre which is now so quiet and no one is around anymore. I remember Shanghai to be so busy, I don't remember it to be like this. We stroll around and I'm singing Requiem from Dear Evan Hansen really quietly as we walk.
Every shop we pass, people stare. Because OMG it's so crazy that there is a human that is foreigner in our country! This is my own opinion, but it's really bad that every person that sees either my brother or I are so shocked just because we look foreign. There are other humans in this world, ya know?? No offense, I'm just kinda tired of people staring at me. I can't walk into a restaurant without someone just wide-eyed staring at me. I smile at them though. I guess I don't know what it's like to live in this country.
My mum is looking at a shop and my dad, brother and I continue down the hall. We pass a group of men that immediately assume that we're foreign and think we can't speak Mandarin and I know that because, they stare for a few seconds, and mutter to each other in Mandarin, "Foreigners."
I have a big urge to turn around and say "Don't assume my race, hun!" But I don't. 'Cause I don't wanna be rude. As we continue along, a mum and her son are in the hallway and the little boy runs in front of my dad and drops a coin. So I pick it up and hand it to the mum who says, "Thank you." (Immediately assuming my race) so I reply, "Your welcome." In Mandarin which takes her by surprise.
This is how the conversation went from here (In Mandarin):
Woman: "You can speak Mandarin??"
Me: "Yes I can."
Woman: -turns to the men down the hall- "She can speak Mandarin!!"
Me: -suddenly awkward-
Man: "You can speak Mandarin?"
Me: "Yeah."

From then on, it's all Where are you from? Is that your brother? Can your brother speak? Who taught you? Is that your dad? Can he speak? Where's your mum from?
Finally, my mum comes down the hall and explains and answers all questions. Soon we get going again to see more shops before leaving.
We take a taxi home and I'm trying to rap Guns and Ships in the taxi on the way to the hotel. After a short break, we go to the shopping centre to have lunch and then my parents drop us off in the hotel room so my parents can go get a massage.
In the hotel room, my brother and I watch YouTube together and since we're not allowed to watch anything inappropriate or has any "bad words" in I'm trying to find clean Hamilton vines for us to watch but there's only one freaking video and it's only two minutes long! I'm gonna make my own Hamilton clean vines.
When my parents get back, we get ready to go out for dinner.
     We find a hot pot restaurant which we sit down at. And you might not believe me, but not only was the food spicy, but the air was spicy! The air! When we walked in the restaurant, my throat and nose was tingling. And before any food came to our table, I had sneezed two times! How can a restaurant be so spicy?
     Then we walked to Carefour and got some groceries. And in Carefour, my body decided to hit me with the most painful cramps in my stomach I've ever gotten. If you don't know what cramps are, it's a pain that most females (that have gone through puberty) get in their stomach because of their period or menstrual cycle. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, you don't wanna know until you have to learn. Trust me.
     I'm trying so, so hard to keep a straight face and keep from screaming every time I have the pain.
     Finally, we walk back to the hotel and I have a shower. Then we all sit/lay down and watch A Quiet Place together which is an amazing movie (PG 13, please don't watch the movie unless you are 13 or your parents approve). Yes, my brother is a bit too young but my parents approved.
     Then I quickly write this and go to bed.


Thank you for 190 views! I really appreciate it!
Can you believe how far I've been keeping up this diary!? It's crazy! How un-dedicated was I last holiday!?
Have an awesome day/night!


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