Day 2 in Shanghai | Monday 29th of April

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Dear Diary,

     I couldn't sleep well last night because every person in my family was snoring.
     But I got to sleep in till 10am before we had breakfast and got ready to go out. Like yesterday, it is another rainy and dreary day, so we have to take an umbrella with us. But my dad did say that if it was rainy in the afternoon, we might be able to go for a swim in the hotel pool/spa!
     My mum and I get going first and my brother and dad tag along behind us. By the time we get to the bank so my mum can do some things, my sleeves are wet and my shoes and socks are soaked. Yay. While I wait, I write some stuff on WattPad including this.
     When I get bored of WattPad, I open a Google Document and start writing all the lyrics of all the songs in Hamilton. Yep. All the lyrics. And I found it really fun. How come I can memorise all the lyrics in Hamilton but when it comes to memorising Algebraic rules I suck??
     When my mum is finally done, she walks up to me with a smile on her face. She was handing me something; in her hand, were two (beautiful, magnificent, amazing, holy, spectacular, awesome) American ten dollar bills.


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     I'm dead.

"Everyday has the potential to be the greatest day of your life."

Lin-Manuel Miranda.

     Thank you Lin-Manuel Miranda.
     I find it hard to let go of the notes when my mum says she'll put them in her bag and give them to me when we get to the hotel room. We walk, in light rain, to the shopping centre near out hotel and have lunch before walking back to the hotel room. It's raining, so there's nothing to do but relax. Which is totally fine by me. Every five seconds, I'm glancing at my two beautiful ten dollar bills just to make sure they're okay.
     I'm obsessed.

     For the afternoon, I do some writing and practice my touch-typing on my iPad and watch The Karate Kid with my family

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For the afternoon, I do some writing and practice my touch-typing on my iPad and watch The Karate Kid with my family. Unfortunately, we did not get to go swimming. But that's okay, maybe another day!
Soon, we get ready to go out for dinner. When we get out of the hotel, we walk so far and it takes us forever to find the restaurant we'll eat at. While we walk and my parents discuss where to eat, I study my surroundings and describe the best I can so I can improve on my vocabulary and create a story out of just walking on the streets. I need to practice whenever I can. We find a little fresh noodle/dumpling shop where we have some noodles and dumplings. They were delicious.
     After dinner, we walked to the shopping centre. My mum went to go buy a few things and lucky for me (I'm kinda being sarcastic but not because I'm really shy), there was a piano in the shopping centre that anyone could play. So my dad made me sit down at the piano.
     "You can't miss any opportunity." He told me.
     So I played River Flows in you. My mum wasn't back so I played In the rain by David Russel (the rain song in the umbrella scene from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir) and Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton and playing River Flows in you again before my mum came back.
     That was my first time playing piano in public! I was so scared, even though there weren't many people and none of them took notice. That's okay. I'll get another shot someday.
     As we walked back to the hotel, I told my dad about my headache pain being like a pain that is in my temples and pain being along my jawline and behind my ear. My dad told me that I might have sinus issues. And that may be the reason I threw up on the plane. 'Cause I don't get motion sickness, and in the last few years, my headaches have been getting worse and I get them at least once a week. Sometimes, they're just a bit of pain that can become more painful if I don't drink water or rest. But sometimes, they're painful enough that I feel faint and it hurts me if I try to stand and I think that headache just messed with my body and made me throw up.
     I don't think it'll bother me to much. I've been having headaches ever since I was five and I can deal with pain. I just don't want it to get in the way of special events.
     At the hotel, I got ready for bed before writing on here. While I wrote, my family and I watched a horror movie. I wouldn't usually be allowed to watch a horror movie but my brother and I convinced my parents that we were mature and wouldn't freak out over it.
     Let's just hope I can sleep tonight!
     I will, don't worry.


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Have a good day/night!


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