Day 5 in Dalian | Saturday 20th of April

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Dear Diary,

This morning, for breakfast, I had an egg, a piece of bacon, a slice of toast, and an egg tart. Then I went on my iPad for a little while before getting ready to go out again.
BTW: Since my phone is kinda dead, I can't take any photos unless I have my mum's, or dad's, or my iPad with me. So, sorry. But no photos today.
So we walked to the shopping centre and walked around the clothing stores and bought my dad a new hat and a T-Shirt. For lunch, we went to KFC. Which had surprisingly a good food variety and had nice spicy chicken wings and popcorn chicken.
After lunch, we went to UNIQLO and looked around before heading to H&M (which I learnt today, stands for Men and Women in French! In French, man is "homme" and woman is probably either "mademoiselle" or "madame"! How cool is that?) where we walked around for a bit.
We walked past a hatstand where my brother found the hat of his dreams; a black cap with a blue sequin gaming console on the top and underneath the beak of the cap the word "gamer". When my brother finds something he likes, he usually gets over it in a minute but this time, he stood there, telling my mum how much he loved the hat until she gave in and said she'd buy it for her.
As we were about to go pay for the hat, I saw something my friend would love. I won't say because she might read this and find out. But I know she'll love it!
Then we went down to the basement shopping area and bought a few hair things, some underwear, and poked a few more holes in my belt because without it, my pants keep falling down, lol. Then we caught a taxi home.
At home, I had some fruit and wrote on WattPad and yeah.
     Then we all got ready to go out for dinner! I wore jeans, socks, enclosed-shoes, a jumper, and a down coat on top, and I was still freezing while we walked. I even got sniffly half way there. My feet felt like they were going to crack and fall off, and it felt like the cold was trying to squeeze my head off. It did not feel nice.
     When we got there, the restaurant was full, so we had to wait a couple of minutes. And since the restaurant is A BBQ restaurant, there was a lot of smoke and smoke gives me headaches so I was kinda dying. Then we got a table and we ordered BBQ lamb and pork and a few side dishes; tofu soup (in Chinese pronounced dofu), a salad, and some bread. It was delicious!
     Then we walked home in the cold again.
     Then we all got ready for bed and I had a bit of time before bed so my sister taught me some drawing. She is really good at drawing! Here's the stuff she was drawing and teaching me about:

 She is really good at drawing! Here's the stuff she was drawing and teaching me about:

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     Then we went to bed.


Thank you for 141 views!! Really appreciate it!
Sorry that I forgot to upload yesterday again! I keep forgetting.
BTW: Happy Easter!! Have an eggtastic day! -fake laughs and starts crying-
Love y'all!


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