Final day in Dalian | Friday 26th of April

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Dear Diary,

Today was a final day in Dalian before we fly to Shanghai tomorrow!
I got up and freshened up and had breakfast before watching more of Lin being an amazing human being. Then I got ready to go out shopping with my mum and dad and brother to get meat for the BBQ we're doing tonight. Then my dad and brother and I caught a taxi home and let my mum do more shopping.
At home, I start drawing the drawing that is for my auntie before I leave as a memory. I took a photograph of my auntie and I and drew the outline of it and I'm going to share it with you:

     I spent about an hour making the outline adequate enough before adding detail with a sharper pencil

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I spent about an hour making the outline adequate enough before adding detail with a sharper pencil. I was hungry and didn't have lunch, I was so determined to finish this. Here's a picture of the drawing when I had finished adding detail to me:

 Here's a picture of the drawing when I had finished adding detail to me:

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I know it doesn't look exactly like me, but I never plan it to. An artist's work can never be perfect. And the artist will never be satisfied with their work. But only the artist knows when the artwork is complete. And finally, here is the finished drawing:

     (The Chinese characters in the corner say I love you)

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(The Chinese characters in the corner say I love you)

It is not my best work. Every drawing I do, will not be my best work. Because the next time I draw, it will be better. And success only comes with determination and hard work because nothing in life comes easy, a quote that my mother has repeated to me at least once a week. And in the beginning, I would think that I know that and she doesn't need to repeat it to me, but now, I know that without my mother and father's support and advice, I wouldn't be where I am.
Thank you mum and dad.
Someone who's really inspired me by his hard work and determination and friendly personality, is Lin-Manuel Miranda who I want to meet one day. And I will work my hardest in everything I do, to be what I wanna be.
As quoted by the musical Dear Evan Hansen;
All that it takes is a little reinvention! It's easy to change if you give it your attention! All you gotta do, is just believe you can be who you wanna be!
Lin-Manuel Miranda is an amazing person who never ceases to amaze and inspire me. And one day, I want to inspire others as so many have inspired me! Thanks Lin, for being who you are!
But I just have to show some beautiful moods that Lin is:

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