Day 7 in Dalian | Monday 22nd of April

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Dear Diary,

I got up and had breakfast. Then I just sat on the couch and watched more Hamilton vines because they are absolutely hilarious and just boost my mood every time. My mum asked me if I wanted to go shopping with my brother, dad, and her, but I decided that I like Hamilton more than shopping.
So I brushed my teeth and washed my face and stuff after breakfast and cleaned up around the living room and did the beds before I sat on the couch and watched vines and anything stupid that showed up in my recommended. Then I took a break and read my book and played on the Gu Zheng (a traditional Chinese instrument) and practiced a song that my auntie had taught me.
It's my first time on the instrument but since I've been playing piano for more than half of my life, I know how to automatically play a lot of instruments. It's really weird, but I kinda automatically know how to play. For example: the day my brother got his guitar, I picked it up and I played a few songs that I play on piano. And the Gu Zheng is harder because you have to press certain strings to get certain notes, but it actually is quite easy.
Here's a picture of a Gu Zheng:

     When my parents and brother got home, we had noodles for lunch

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When my parents and brother got home, we had noodles for lunch. Then I relaxed for a while before going in the garden with my dad while he started the BBQ. My Chinese family loves it when my dad does a Greek BBQ 'cause it's rare that they get to eat it.
The neighbours even came around and talked to us and watched my dad do the BBQ.
My sister cam back from work just in time for dinner and we all sat down and ate. Ahh, it feels nice to have some Greek food after eating tons of Chinese food for a week for 10 days. And the BBQ was really nice and we ate it with fresh bread that my auntie had baked beforehand.
Then I had a shower and stuff and sat on the couch with my family and watched tv while I wrote on WattPad before going to bed. Goodnight!


Thank you for 146 views! I really, really appreciate it!
Hope you're all having a wonderful day!
If any of you guys need someone to talk to, please come chat with me! I'd love to talk about anything and everything! Even if it is to rant about life! I don't mind!


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