4 days left | Monday 8th of April

24 7 2

Dear Diary,

Since yesterday, I've had this really sharp pain on my right heel and I don't know why. Luckily, it's died down a little.
Today was a school day so I of course had to get up at 6:30am. I met my friends at the library where we printed millions and millions of photos for my friend's locker. We (over) decorated her locker and scattered random pieces of paper everywhere just because . . .
Her reaction was gold but we couldn't stay long at her locker because we were literally taking up half the hallway with our mess and preventing people from going to their lockers. Haha. At recess, she brought out cupcakes for us to share and yeah.
I didn't get much homework and I completed it all on the bus on the way home. I even got some time to get the exercise I need so badly (lol).
I chatted with friends and yeah. Today wasn't very eventful, but I'm so excited to go to China. Do you guys have any suggestions for things I can bring to occupy me on the plane and don't take much effort to do? I'd really appreciate that because I get really bored and I usually do bring stuff to do on the plane, I just have no energy to do them and I'm scared I will, like, spew or something. So I usually just sit there like a vegetable until more food comes.
Other than watching movies, what are some fun things to do on a plane? Spam me with suggestions, I need them . . .
I'm so excited to go back to China!


Thanks for 19 views! Really appreciate it!
Give some suggestions of things to keep me productive on a plane!
Have a great day/night!
(aka. I usually write this right before I go to bed ((I live in Australia if you are confused)) and before I slack more.)
Goodnight (again)!


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