Shikamaru Nara Headcanons

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-"Shika if you wanted a kiss you could've just asked me"

-He turned so red so fast

-After ten seconds you were both concerned that you broke him and had a light pink flush from what you just said

-"Shika are you-"

-Cut you off by him lightly pecking your lips

-Now Shika thought that he broke you

-Kinda went back and forth like that for awhile

-As great as kisses are, Shikamaru loves cuddling with you

-Tho he hugs you really tight when he falls asleep

-Basically you have zero chance to escape and have to fall asleep with him

-He always promises he isn't going to hold you tight when he falls asleep

-He always does it tho

-Shikamaru's cuddles are really warm tho

-On the rare occasion you do get out of his cuddles and you get bored

-Your favorite thing to do is jump on him and give him a kiss on the jaw in apology

-It usually wakes him up

-Doesn't take much for him to fall back asleep tho

-He also puts his arm around your shoulders when you're walking, typically

-Tho if he had to kiss you he would either kiss your forehead or your cheek in public

-Shikamaru doesn't really like kissing you on the lips unless if he has some reason to

-Such as he missed you, he was worried, you haven't hung out lately and he wants you to know how much he loves you, stuff like that

-Your friends think you're so cute

-Tho sometimes you ask how you could be with someone who doesn't care about anything

-Your retaliation?
-"Shikamaru isn't Sasuke, I think you need to get your eyes checked"

-Shikamaru doesn't really get jealous easily

-But when he does he gets a little weird

-He's a lot more open with PDA than he usually is

-Also puts his arm around your waist instead of your shoulders

-Shika also does flirty stuff that's totally out of his character

-You like to tease him whenever he gets jealous

-You don't really get jealous but mostly because every female in your age group is into Sasuke

-Anyone who doesn't like Sasuke, is either in another relationship or doesn't want to be in a relationship at all

-So there isn't really much competition

-Speaking of competition

-You and Shikamaru get really intense when you train together

-You're the only one who can get him off his lazy butt to train

-When you fight the both of you either flirt or bicker like you used to

-There's no inbetween

-Shikamaru usually wins

-Tho sometimes you beat him with brute force

-He also gives you strategies that you could use in battle to win

One shots (1) (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ