Chapter Fifty-two

Start from the beginning

Without a second thought and before I can talk myself out of it, I lean in and kiss him. When I do I use my Fear spell on him in a way it will linger until he goes. Usually the effects of Fear only last a few seconds to a few hours depending on how I feel about that person.

One benefit of using it is that I don't have to actually make physical contact. That said, another way to make it last longer is by touch. The more stirring the touch, the more effective it will be. Like kissing him for example. It won't kill him but it will torture him. 

I pull away and stand up trying not to feel sorry for him. I drop the shadow and walk out, allowing the Rune Knights to take him. 

Ignoring everyone I keep walking and when I get a bit of a ways away from them I hear a fearful scream and broken sobs from Devin. Wonder what he's seeing right now? 

"Anx!" Princey yells running towards me. I stop but don't turn around until I feel his hand on my shoulder. "What did you- what's wrong...?" he asks softly. 

"N-Nothing," I say back but my voice cracks. Why the hell am I crying?! We won and he got what he deserved... "I-I don't know... It's over, we won and no one was killed... Why do I feel so badly?!" Snap out of it Virgil! You're making it rain. 

"Try to calm down. I don't know what you did but you aren't the type of person who can do something like that and feel nothing. It will take time but eventually this will all pass and you will get better. No matter what, I will be there with you through it all. We'll be okay," he says hugging me. I breathe in his scent and allow him to help calm my nerves. I'll be okay...

Dee's P.O.V (Timeskip 2 weeks)

I'm sitting in the dark commons wondering what to do today? Ugh. Carsen and Hunter said they're going on a job together nearby so I'm stuck on my own for the day. I miss Carsen. I still can't believe what he did before he left. 

["Dee? You in here?" Carsen asks from outside my door. 

"Yeah," I call out as I look for a shirt in my closet. I'd just got out of the shower so I only have my jeans on right now. I hear my door open and close but he doesn't say anything. 

After grabbing a yellow t-shirt I turn around to see Carsen with his hands covering his eyes. I can't help but laugh at how adorable he is sometimes. 

"Car? What are you doing?" I ask still slightly laughing. 

"Uhh... You could've told me you weren't dressed!" he says. I laugh again and walk up to him with my shirt in one hand. Once I'm close enough I pull his hands down only for him to close his eyes. 

I laugh again and pull my shirt on saying, "Alright I'm dressed." He slowly peels his eyes open and punches my shoulder. 

"Did you need something?" I ask sitting on my bed to pull my shoes on. 

"Oh yeah. Hunter and I are going on a job so we won't be back till later," he explains sitting next to me.

"Oh..." is all I can respond with. 

He asks if I'm okay and because I don't want him to worry I look at him with a smile and nod. He smiles back which I won't lie melts my heart. I finish putting on my shoes and look back up to see him just looking at me with a small smile. 

"What?" I ask. He shakes his head and avoids the question. 

Glancing down on my bed I see his hand and decide to put mine over it. I watch him look down and turn his hand over before he intertwines our fingers. Looking back up he smiles at me softly. Using my other hand I reach up and touch his cheek. I lean in closer and he seems nervous but doesn't pull away. I lean over and kiss his cheek softly before pulling back. 

Seeking Control: A Sanders Sides TaleWhere stories live. Discover now