Chapter Thirty

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Chapter 30

A few weeks later...

::: "Are you sure this is the right address?" I asked mama, unsure if we got the address mixed up. She nodded, looking nothing but sure.

This was the biggest of the biggest mansions I've ever seen. Probably a little bigger than what Blake's family lived in.

With Tanya's health issues, she must have had to pay for medicine and hospital bills... How could she afford something like this?

When I got back from Atlanta I explained everything to mama and she didn't seem the least bit surprised. She knew what we were going out there for and figured it had to happen someday. I told her where Tanya stayed and...well, here we are.

It was the weekend and mama took off work for a few days so we could fly to London.

As the cab drove up the long, well paved path with me, Tay, Meg, and Blake in the back-—and mama up front, I felt nervousness wash over me.

We reached the gates and mama quickly entered the password. We all looked stunned as the large gates opened up and we drove through.

We drove up a long driveway that soon turned into a circle with a large statue and waterfall in the center.

In the driveway was a car similar to Blake's except silver and really shiny with a lot of chrome. It looked brand new. Behind it was a clean black escalade truck.

We climbed out and paid the cab driver before walking towards the door. The door swung open before we could even knock, making me jump back.

"Mamaaaa!" A woman squealed and engulfed her into a big bear hug. They hugged it out while we just stood there awkwardly.

The woman soon pulled away and that's when I realized who it was. Tanya... My mother.

She looked around quickly and back at mama. "Whose the guest?" She asked sweetly. She was wearing a white, see through silky blouse and a black bra underneath with black capris. Her hair was pulled up into a high bun and she looked like she was wearing light makeup.

"So you can't say hey?" Tay suddenly stepped out of the shadows and my mom screamed and engulfed him into a hug similar to mama's. I was still deadly silence.

"Taylor, you big headed punk!" She let go of him and smiled.

"Long time no see, sis. It's been what, ten years?" He smirked and then turned to us. "This is Meagan, my girlfriend." He started to introduce.

"She's beautiful," my mom complimented and then shook Meagan's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," Meagan smiled back.

"This is my boy Blake and his girlfriend... Destiny." He said it all awkwardly and that's when Tanya's eyes shifted to mines.

Her eyes grew wide and she looked at Mama who nodded. Tanya turned back to me and before I could speak, or even breath, she pulled me into a hug that was tighter than what she gave Mama and Tay put together.

We must have stood there for a long time because soon someone was standing behind her. A man in a v-neck and cargo shorts stood by the door. He was dark skin with bright white teeth and really handsome. My mom had great taste, if that was all hers.

"Babe which toothpaste--Hey..?" He held two different brands of toothpaste in one hand and with the other one he slowly waved.

Tanya pulled away and gently touched my face as if she didn't believe it was me. Like I was some kind of hologram.

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