Chapter Five

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Chapter 5
. . . 2 WEEKS LATER . . .

::: "Get off of me!" I shouted as Blake sat on my back. I was laughing so hard that I didn't realize I was lying on the hallway floor, and continued to flail my arms and legs from underneath him. I stopped, giving in as I sighed heavily and dropped my head into my arms. "I hate you," I decided with a mumble.

"All you had to do was admit it," Blake said, still sitting on my lower back and pinning me down to the ground. Everyone who was in the hallway was probably watching us right now act a fool.

I felt so defenseless as I tried to push him off, but that was only cyphering the energy I would need for when I got up and strangled him. "Watch when I get up," I decided.

"See, all you had to do was admit to something so simple. You know, you be hurting people's feelings, calling them ugly?" He questioned, as if he was genuinely distraught from my words.

"I just call it like I see it," I mentally shrugged, unable to physically shrug due to the situation I found myself in. "For real, though, you're crushing my spine, Blake! Get your fat self off of me!" I screamed, craning my neck to look at him.

I tried to free one of my hands from his grip so I could claw at his face, only to have it re-pinned to the floor. The scene was so peculiar because he was literally straddling my lower back and pinning my arms to my sides. I felt like I was being arrested or something.

"I will, once you admit that I'm fineeee as wine," he said, amusement clear in his voice as he mocked what I told him Roscoe said to Shannon.

I wonder how much amusement he could instill once I was constricting his windpipe with my bare hands...

Blake and I have gotten pretty close over the last couple of weeks. He always play like this-except this one was physically draining me--and then we would always end up fighting with me winning.

Sike! I'm always the first to say mercy, like now. I mean, I throw some good, quick licks, it's just that his arms are long enough to catch ahold of them before they could reach its destination: his face.

DJ wasn't at school today for some unknown reason and Shannon had a doctors appointment. So now, I'm stuck with Blake with no one to help me. Shannon would always help me double team him but now I'm on my own, having to admit to his vast ass ego.

"Look, I have no problem with staying here all day," Blake suddenly said, and I knew he would, considering he made me miss fifteen minutes of a class once by locking me in the supply closet until I gave him back his phone. "I could do my homework on your shoulder and use your bun as a pencil holder." At his words, I felt something slide through the bun in my head. "See, it fit and everything. So what's it gonna be?" He said.

"Aight! You not ugly, Blake, damn!" I said in defeat, before feeling the weight he was putting on my body slowly rise up. I quickly sat up and glared up at him as he dusted off his Levi jeans nonchalantly.

"You know that's all you had to say," Blake smiled at me, suddenly.

"You know I have to murder you, now, right?" I asked him as I climbed to my own feet, dusting off my own jeans and feeling my cheeks burn as everyone finally turned their gaze away.

"I'll die with a smile on my face," he decided, grinning.

"Are you happy, Blake? Did those forced words make you happy?" I inquired irritably, rubbing my lower back to soothe it from his fat ass crushing me.

"Very. Thank you," he smiled, turning to close the locker he left open before his ass crushed me. Literally.

"I feel like an old lady in a shoe, right now," I mumbled, continuing to massage my back as we walked to class.

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