Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

::: That thing I had to do didn't involve telling Meagan about it. I can't tell her I'm attracted to Blake. She'll just say "I told you so!" and tease me about it for the rest of my life. She wouldn't let me hear the end of it, seriously.

And she would definitely make things weird and awkward around us. Shannon did that once.

After I told her I had a bit of a crush on Jay she started making us sit together and kept bringing up the fact that the both of us was single.

It was way too weird and awkward. That's another reason why I don't talk to him anymore. We kinda just fell off after all of that.

Honestly, I could have got with Jay on my own, if I wanted to. Maybe I should have, instead of falling for DJ. All of this could have been avoided.

But I gotta remember that Shannon had something to do with that and if she wanna get with someone, she will get with them.

So being with Jay probably wouldn't make a difference considering him and DJ was friends. They say when you're friends for so long, you tend to sometimes act like each other, and DJ is a complete asshole.

DJ and Jay was friends so of course Jay would have done the same thing.

Was. Once DJ found out that Jay had a lil thing for me, they fell off. Hah.

I went home after watching a movie with Meagan and found Tay awoke in his room. Perfect time to talk to him.

Mama was asleep, he was woke, and my best friend was feeling something for the kid.

"So I've heard you were quite the gentleman," I had my right arm leaning against the door frame and smirking at Tay. He looked at me and didn't say anything. I walked further into his bedroom.

I walked over to his all black dresser and started picking up, examining, and putting down random things on it. "She had a great time, you know?" I told Tay without looking over my shoulder.

"Okay," was all he said. I turned around to him and leaned up against his dresser.

"Okay?" I asked with a single eyebrow raised.

"Yeah," he shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "We kissed, okay?" He said after a long minute.

"She told me," I smiled.

"...and we didn't even do anything," he said, looking at me.

"And? That's a bad thing?" I asked slowly.

He sat up and looked at me with those hazel eyes that ran through the family. Mostly everyone had them except for me. "And... We didn't do anything after that except sit and listen to music."

"That's good," I told him. "Right?"

"You can say that... I mean, she yo friend 'n all, but that wasn't really what stopped me from tryna get with her," he admitted.

"It wasn't?" I asked, surprised.

He shook his head. "It was more interesting and fun just talking to her. She cool, interesting, like shit I like, and...yeah."

"And that means..?" I pushed further, trying not to let the smirk tugging at my lips reveal itself.

"It means I'm stupid for ever taking her out," I frowned at his words. "Tell her I can't talk to her no more."

What the hell? They was just doing good...

"How about you tell her," I said. He wants to get her hopes up and crush them faster than they were even brought up?

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