Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter 28

::: When I posted the video of Blake flat ironing my hair, I had tons of comments. Blake sat next to me as I read through them.

- He almost burned your scalp off, girl! Why he get that close? Lol.

- This video is so adorable!

- Ohmygosh I Love This Couple!

- Is that your boyfriend? He's hot!

- This is cliche but super cute (: <3 I ship it.

"Wait, ship what?" Blake stopped reading to look at me, confuse clear in his pretty greenish-blue eyes. They seemed to change colors a lot. It'll sometimes be blue and sometimes it'll be green.

"They think we're dating and is saying they ship it, meaning they support it," I blushed as I explained it. "But I'll explain to them that we're not and it'll all be over with." I told him.

"No, I wanna see who else 'ship this relationship'," Blake scrolled further down to see more comments.

- I thought you were single!

- What's His Name? I Need To Make A Ship Name ((:

- I think it's Blake. She said it in the video ^

- Thnx, I Didn't Catch That. I Ship Blestiny! (: <3

- I Ship Blestiny Too!

- He Did Good For The First Time #iShipBlestiny

- I can tell you two are great together.

- He looks like the type to only like white girls... What is he doing with a black chick?!

"Wait," Blake stopped scrolling to reread something on the screen. "How do I look like the type to 'only like white girls'?" He asked me.

"I think it's because you're white and... I don't know," I gave up. "Just ignore those comments. They comment only to get you're attention." He nodded but still looked disturbed.

- Oh shut up! ^ He could date whoever he want and she can date whoever she want! Love has no color, looks like you failed to realize that.

- You see how much hatred could slip from your mouth when you don't have any lips to stop them? (A/N: I SAW THIS ON TWITTER AND WAS CRYING LAUGHING!)

"Thank you, SerenityG0654 & LalaPedals2014 (made up name)!" Blake cheered, laughing along with me at the last comment. I was nearly in tears and unable to read the rest of the comments.

- #Blestiny

- Blestiny 4eva!

- Can he come flatiron my hair?! Lol #Blestiny

- Hey, we don't know if they're dating or not.. He could be her friend for all we know.

- True... @_DestinyPayne_ , Are You Guys Dating?

I looked at Blake who stared back at me.

"Are we?" Blake asked making my heart do jumping jacks. I gulped nervously. I honestly didn't know what we were. We kissed a few times so we're definitely not best friends or friends anymore...

"Um," I thought for a second. I really do like him. It took me a while to finally admit that--well to myself... And he says he like me. I obviously like him. We kissed a few times. Aren't we supposed to be a little more than that? I'm so confused and just need him to tell me what we should be.

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