Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

::: That night, I tried talking to mama. I waited until after she took a nice long bath and slipped on her comfortable silky gown. I watched her wrap her long hair up with difficulty and climb into her king sized bed covered in a big cream and black comforter.

I sat next to her. "Mama can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

"What's wrong?" She looked at me with some concern. I didn't respond right away. I don't even know how to begin.

Mama, I want to know everything about my parents!

Mama, tell me what I need to know, now!

I definitely couldn't say the second one. That is, if I want to leave the room with all of my teeth still in my mouth.

I went with the first one after taking a long breath. "Mama, I wanna know something..."

That's a start.

"Anything, baby," she said, trying to encourage me to talk as she massaged cocoa butter onto her elbows.

"Well... I've been wondering about...Tanya and Anthony," I looked at her reaction.

She looked surprised but calm.

"Yeah, what about them?" She asked me, handing me the cocoa butter and nodding towards her dresser.

I stood up and placed the cocoa butter beside the dozen or so perfume bottles that was lined up on her dresser.

"I just want to know more than a name," I told her softly as I sat back down.

"A name is all you're good with. All that other mess is irrelevant," she said in a serious tone. "What made you ask all of a sudden, anyways? You didn't have a problem with just a name when you were a kid."

"I'm not twelve anymore, mama," I said angrily. "You can't buy my silence with a flip phone. Is it a crime to want to know a little more about my parents?"

"No, but you better pray that it's a crime when I slap that tongue right out your mouth!" She stood to her feet with a threatening look, causing me to gulp. "Now, you heard what I said, Destiny. A name is good enough. I'm going to bed, so get out, and goodnight."

I was a bit taken back at her sudden anger. Why is she so mad that I want to know a bit more about my parents?

"I want something mama," I cried. "I want something to at least stop my brain from wondering every second of everyday why my parents didn't want me." I quieted my voice, though, before she slapped half of it out of me.

"You really want to know something?" Yes! Here we go... "Your father was a drunk off his ass deadbeat who couldn't take care of you, yo mama, and not even his damn self if his hands allowed him to try!"

I was about to say something but stopped myself. I stared at mama before turning around and walking out. "Goodnight," I whispered before closing her door.

I sat on my bed, thinking about what mama said.

'Your father was a drunk off his ass deadbeat who couldn't take care of you, yo mama, and not even his damn self if his hands allowed him to try!'

Anthony was an alcoholic...

Is that why he couldn't take care of me?

Was that why Tanya left him?

Why does mama hate him so much?

I went to sleep with a load of questions I had no answers to.

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