Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21

Destiny's POV -

::: The next morning everyone started packing their suitcases into Meagan's silver trailblazer.

Her mom finally allowed her to come with us as long as we came back before school started, and didn't get into any trouble whatsoever.

Blake and Tay climbed inside; Tay on the passenger side and Blake in the backseat. I gave Mama a big hug and we pulled away.

"Thanks for that delicious meal yesterday, Mama," I smiled. I felt like I was still stuffed from all of the chicken, greens, yams, spaghetti, macaroni, potato salad and cornbread.

"No problem, baby. Now, y'all get on that road and make sure to stop at a hotel or something before night falls," she told me. "And call me when you get to a hotel too. Don't forget, okay?"

"I want forget," I told her before hugging her again and climbing into the backseat with Blake. "Love you, mama."

"I love you too, baby," mama smiled, her hands over her eyes as she squinted towards me. That was the original "grandmother-seeing-you-leave" stance.

I looked out the window and saw Meagan talking to her mom.


Meagan's POV -

"Call me when you get to Atlanta, I heard it's beautiful," my mom told me.

"I thought you said you never been there before," I said, now confused.

"I never said I never went there before, I just said I didn't like it," my mom smirked at me before pulling me into a hug.

We talked yesterday and she finally allowed me to go after lots and lots of begging and persuading.

"Well I'll send some pictures," I decided as I pulled away from the hug. "But we have to get on the road so..."

She nodded as if she understood and frowned sadly. "Yeah, okay, uh, you sure you have everything you need? Money, clothes, snacks, money?"

"You said money twice," I said and she smiled and pulled the lint off my jacket. "But yes, we have everything we need. Even a first aid kit."

"Well have fun," she smiled and waved at me as I climbed inside the drivers seat. "But not too much fun!" She added, looking between me and Tay.

I laughed and she gave me a stern look, confirming her seriousness.

"Um, I'll call you mom!" I said as I pulled away from the curb.

When we were on the road I slipped on my sunglasses to block out the beaming sunlight and leaned over and turned up the music.

Fuck up some Commas by Future boomed through the speakers and everyone sang along.


Destiny's POV -

Blake and I went inside the small gas station to pay for gas and snacks.

A small bell dinged above our heads, warmly welcoming us, as we walked inside the small place and headed to the back.

Blake started grabbing and tossing all kinds of stuff into the small basket the gas station provided.

Real And True [NO LONGER IN EDIT MODE]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें