Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter 24

::: I brushed the fallen strand of hair from my bun and tucked it behind my ear as I climbed out of the car. We were now standing in front of the biggest law firm in Atlanta.

The four of us stood there, watching as lawyers and other professional people in suits came in and out of the large building. On the right side of the cement stairs, people were walking up them and into the building, and on the left side (which was separated from the right side by a metal railing) people were coming out, looking the same way they looked walking in.

Extremely professional.

I stared at the left side for about two minutes before turning to look at the three.

"He should be coming out soon," I said, glancing down at my phone screen. Yep, he should be coming out now.

"Well me and Tay are going to wait in the car. So if you need us..." She trailed off and I nodded. The two jumped back in the car and I was left standing next to Blake.

I looked back at the left side and watched as people walked down them, none being Carl.

We've been standing here for about 20 minutes already and there was no sign of him.

I sighed, about to just turn around and call the firm instead and ask for him, but noticed a familiar face.

Carl had on a crisp clean black suit and his tie fell neatly in place. His curls looked neat and he wore glasses, although he probably didn't need them. It made him look more professional, though.

In his hand he carried a small briefcase. The briefcase rocked back and forth as he headed down the long flight of stairs.

His lips was moving but I couldn't hear what he was saying. If he wasn't standing in front of a law firm building, I would think he was crazy, but actually he was just talking into his earpiece.

"There he is!" I smiled nervously. I was nervous all of a sudden, but couldn't wait to get all of this over with. So I breathed deeply, held my head high, and moved my feet in the direction of Carl Walker.

I didn't expect to get near him so quickly. I tried to think of an appropriate way to approach him. I can't just go, "Hey, you're Carl right? Yeah, well, I saw a picture of you and my father who left me at a young age and disappeared. Oh yeah, and he was an alcoholic who supposedly was your best friend. So I tracked you down like a weird stalker and came all the way out here to ask if you knew where my father was, so do you?" That'll come up later (and in different, more subtle words) but for now, I have to at least get him to talk to me.

I found myself standing in front of him. Carl was about 6'2 and looked really good and healthy to have a past with drugs. He looked all cleaned up. Like...REALLY cleaned up.

His eyes was a bright blue color (which I never saw on a black man) and he looked to be in a rush.

He was still talking into his earpiece when I approached him. His eyes landed on me and I was stuck on what to say. A few seconds of just staring and I was finally snapped back into reality.

Thanks to Blake beside me, who took it as his duty to nudge me in the rib cage.

"Ouch!" I nudged Blake harder and looked at Carl.

It just felt so sudden. It's like just yesterday I started searching for my father and now...I'm right here, closer to figuring out where he was.

And if Carl does know where he is, what happens then? Do I ask 21 questions, get emotional, and curse my father out for leaving me?

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