Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

::: "He cheated on me with Shannon, Blake. Shannon!" I told Blake with teary eyes.

I don't know what to feel right now... Anger? Sadness? Betrayal?

Whatever it was, it hurt. Like hell. But mostly, out of all emotions I could possibly feel at the moment, the main thing I felt was betrayal.

My boyfriend and my best friend of many years... Are you kidding me? Is this all fake? Will someone hop out of a closet with a camera and tell me I was Punk'd?

But sadly, there was no camera and it wasn't fake.

DJ and Shannon appeared at the top of the stairs. I closed my eyes tightly because I didn't want to believe it; I wanted to drown the image out of my head...or drown both of them in the tub they were practically laying in.

"Des--" DJ tried to start his sorry ass excuse.

"What? Did she just trip and fall onto your lap? Did you accidentally cheat? Or are you gonna tell me that you drunk and thought she was me, when that ugly bitch looks nothing like me?!" I screamed with warm tears streaming down my face and onto my heaving chest.

"I..." Shannon started to speak, which only made me angrier.

"Just--don't," I glared, shooting the most poisonous, sharpest, deadliest dagger at Shannon. She had her arms folded over her almost exposed chest and a shocked look on her face.



What the hell is she so shocked about? Shocked because I caught her with my boyfriend and she was supposed to be my friend? Or shocked because I didn't hit her ass in her face?

She invited me to the party. THEY KNEW I WAS COMING! It makes me wonder if they were sneaking around right underneath my nose the entire time.

I'm just too surprised and hurt to do anything right now. I never ever experienced a heartbreak. I never had anyone cheat on me either. And even if I was going to fight someone in here it would have been DJ first, because he was the one who promised me loyalty and love. And then it would have been Shannon because she was supposed to be my friend.

I looked at Blake. "Take me home, please," I said softly, not crying anymore, but surprisingly calm.

Meagan suddenly appeared. "What the fuck is this bullshit?" She looked around, taking in what happened. She looked at Shannon at the top of the stairs with DJ who held his shirt in his hands.

I didn't speak, but gave her a tired look.

"Sis, want me to beat her ass?" Meagan stared at me, a look of seriousness on her face and in her tone.

"She not worth it," I said, my voice hoarse.

"You right," Meg nodded, though the way she chewed her lip in anger told me otherwise.

Blake took my hand in his and we started to head back to the party, only for a loud scream to stop us dead in our tracks.

Meagan was at the top of the stairs. She gripped Shannon's hair in her fist an yanked her down the stairs.

Shannon tumbled down the stairs as Meagan ran down after her. As Shannon hit the floor, Meagan kicked her. "Bitch!" She spat down at Shannon, who was shielding her face, looking scary as hell. "That's for being a fake ass, hoe ass friend!" She said.

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