Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

::: I sat at Meagan's computer desk and typed in Carl Walker on the NRC prison website.

I closed my eyes and opened them slowly, seeing 8 Carl's show up, but none under the last name of Walker.

Thank God.

About that "I don't mind visiting someone in jail" thing... I actually do mind. It'll feel so scary, even when visiting someone. So you could see how relieved I am that he isn't in jail...

"He's definitely not in jail," I smiled up at Blake and Meagan who was looking over my shoulders.

"So he's either dead, a drug addict, or a lawyer," Meagan sighed.

"Yeah," I mumbled. How am I supposed to find him now? The jail thing was easy and the lawyer thing would probably be easy too, but the dead and drugged up thing would be hard. Especially the drug thing. How am I supposed to find someone who's drugged up when this city is full of them?

I sighed and closed the laptop, throwing my head back in frustration.

"I give up," I found myself saying. It wasn't true, I wasn't going to give up.

"What do you mean you're giving up? You just started." Blake opened the laptop again. "Here, I'll help you. I'm kinda a computer wiz."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you going to do?" I got up to let him sit down comfortably and stood behind him.

"I'm going to work my magic and figure out if he's dead or a lawyer," he smiled before typing. "But the drugged up thing might be hard." He told me.

"You can do that? I'm impressed," I nudged him playfully and giggled. "But if he ends up being a drug addict, then I guess I'll have to figure something else out. Like ask around or something."

He nodded before typing something else. I sat down on the bed and texted a couple of people back while he was doing his computer wiz stuff.

I got a text from Tay asking me where I was.

Me - I'm at Meagan's. Why?

Tay - Aw. Nvm then... I'll just talk to u when u get home.

Me - I'll be over there in about 25 minutes. Depends on how long it takes.

Tay - How long what takes?

Shit, now I'm gonna have to lie. I'm not ready to tell him about my search for my parents. He might start lecturing me about how dangerous it is and how I lied to him and mama and blah blah blah... It's too much right now.

Just overprotective uncle stuff...

But I still want to talk to him about his and my other two uncles beef with Anthony, though. He's the only one besides mama who can tell me that. So soon, I'm gonna have to tell him.

Me - We studying for a test tmrrw & Meg is helping me. I'ma see u later tho.

Tay - Oh, well good luck, IG.

"Bingo!" Blake said and Meagan and I was by his side in a heartbeat.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"He's definitely not dead. I looked him up to see if he was a lawyer and..." He typed, clicked, and pulled up a picture of a man in a grey suit. "...this is him. He works at an Atlanta law firm as one of the best lawyers and businessmen there. Seems like his life turned out pretty well if you ask me."

Blake stood up to stretch but I engulfed him in a big bear hug. His large hands rested on my waist and there was no gap in between us.

As much as I hate to admit, it felt so good hugging him. I quickly pulled away and plopped down in the computer chair, staring at the screen.

The man--Carl, was wearing a clean grey suit with a black briefcase on his side and a nice warm smile. His eyes were a beautiful blue color and his hair was still short and curly except more neater than in the old picture Mr. Jay gave me.

I quickly compared the two pictures and it was, indeed, Carl Walker in both photos. Only problem is...he lives in Atlanta.

How am I supposed to talk to him now? I can call him, but it won't be the same unless we're up close and personal.

There's so many things that could go wrong with a phone call: he could hang up, be busy, or think it's only about business. If I'm not suing anyone or have an important case, he'll say he can't talk.

When people say they "can't talk right now" they really mean, "I'm never going to call you back, and when you call me again, I'll tell you no in the nicest way possible, which is a quick 'I can't talk right now, call back later'. Bye!"

So yeah... I'm gonna need to see him in person in order for me to get some answers.

"Okay so how are we planning on getting to ATL?" Meagan asked me. We?

"We? Y'all don't have to do this with me. You done enough and--" I was cut off by Blake.

"It doesn't matter. We're going to Atlanta with you," he stated and I just closed my mouth. I can't stop someone from going anywhere. I'm not his mama so that's really his choice. But for some reason, I'm glad they're joining me--that is, if I even go myself.

I'll feel more confident talking to Carl knowing my two best friends is with me. Plus, a road trip could be fun.

"Well," I smiled. "Who's up for a little road trip?"

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