The Battle... And Her

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I pushed myself up as Boris began lumbering over. He was quicker than I'd expected, but was still pretty slow. He picked up a barrel and threw it at me, so I quickly rolled behind the sandbags, watching the barrel smash right where I'd been standing. He then headed my way and I raced over to some boxes just as he shoved the sandbags, scattering them. I noticed something had fallen behind him. I cautiously, but quickly walked around him and picked it up. It was an ink blob, similar to the one I put into a machine earlier to get a gear. I remembered the other options. Wasn't there a lead pipe? I glanced around and saw the machine I needed. Running over, I turned it to a pipe, put in the ink, and turned the handle. A lead pipe fell out and I picked it up, waiting for Boris to turn his back. But instead of turning his back, he charged at me. I had an idea and side stepped at the last second, making him hit the wall and be momentarily still. I ran up and hit him with the pipe, which broke on impact. Boris whirled around and roared, causing me to retreat. But I now knew what to do. I repeated my actions three more times, and noticed Boris getting visibly weaker each time. Finally, he dropped another ink blob and I got a pipe, just like before, side stepped, and hit him. The pipe broke, but this time, so did Boris. He fell to the ground and dissolved. I softly touched the floor where he'd been, missing him more than ever, but also exhausted from the fight. I heard a scream and Alice's voice. "No!! No! No! No! Why can't you ever just die?!" I turned and saw Alice running towards me from the now open doors. I panicked and fell on my hands, but she was already right here. I braced myself, even as I saw a sword drive itself through Alice's chest. She fell to the ground in front of me, dead. My eyes slowly travelled up, looking at her murderer, and saw...

"Alice?" Before I could say anything more, sleep took me, and the world went black.

Touched By An AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon